ccp coronavirus, ccp virus, covid-19, healthy diet, immune system, sleep, vitamin c

How to Boost Your Immune System to Fight Off the CCP Virus

With people continuing to fall ill from the CCP coronavirus, interest in improving one’s immunity has been growing. Though a strong immune system does not guarantee that you won’t be infected, it does increase your chances of surviving the pandemic. So here are some ways you can boost your immune system and strengthen your body ...

Raven Montmorency

A bowl of peeled mandarins.

What Pregnant Women Should Know About the CCP Coronavirus

If pregnant women are infected by COVID-19, not only can it make the pregnancy period stressful, the risk of death and transmission of the virus could end up triggering an unmanageable mental burden as well. Here are some of the things pregnant women should know about the CCP coronavirus. Transmission risk for pregnant women “Emerging ...

Raven Montmorency

A pregnant woman holding her abdomen.

How to Strengthen Your Immunity During the Pandemic

Strengthening your immune system is an important foundation for keeping your body healthy and preventing disease. In light of today’s CCP coronavirus pandemic, let’s take a look at some recommendations given by a Chinese medicine physician for improving your body’s immunity. Chen Fumin, a doctor of Chinese medicine, shares some simple ideas that you can start doing today. Get plenty of sleep to strengthen ...

Raven Montmorency

An acupuncture dummy.

How Meditation Can Help During the CCP Coronavirus Lockdown

With many people feeling mentally stressed out due to the CCP coronavirus quarantine, it is necessary that proper care is taken to maintain psychological health in a good state. According to a recent article published by the Harvard Medical School, meditation and yoga can help deal with the situation. The article, written by psychiatrist John ...

Raven Montmorency

A woman meditating on a rock.

CCP Coronavirus: Asian Nations Bracing for the Second Wave

Many people in Asian nations like Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and so on have started to think that the CCP coronavirus outbreak in their nations has stabilized and will decline in the near term. However, some warn that these countries could see a second wave of infections quite soon. The second wave of CCP coronavirus ...

Max Lu

The CCP coronavirus around the world.

Doctor Recommends 5 Ways to Help Prevent Viral Infection

The CCP coronavirus spreads extremely fast. Dr. Jiang Shoushan uses a case in Hong Kong as an example. Nineteen family members met and dined together. Despite that one-off contact, the viral infection impacted 11 of them. It shows that wearing a mask and washing hands frequently are not enough. Immunity is the answer. 5 methods ...

Audrey Wang

A person wearing a face mask.

How the Weak Deal With the CCP Virus

People with impaired or weak immune systems are called immunocompromised. Such a condition basically diminishes their body’s ability to fight against infections. And in these times when the coronavirus outbreak has scared countries into announcing lockdowns, the immunocompromised population needs to be extra cautious in who and what they interact with. Weak immunity People usually ...

Raven Montmorency

An elderly husband and wife.

Are You Eating These Readily Available Nutrients for Your Immune System?

As the CCP coronavirus continues to spread, it’s very important to boost your immunity, as physical health and immunity are closely related. High-quality nutrition can keep your immune system healthy. The best foods to boost immunity are all around you, easily available, and cheap. Some simple diet strategies to help you boost your immune system ...

Helen London

A fish market.

6 Tips to Boost Immunity

What is the best way to prevent the Wuhan coronavirus when medicine is not available? The answer is to have a strong immune system. 6 ways to boost your immunity without much cost or effort 1. Get enough sleep Diseases can result from a decline of immunity due to inadequate sleep or pressure from stress. ...

Audrey Wang

A girl running on the beach.

Biology: How the Body Fights Infection

Your body remains healthy most of the time despite the fact that microbes and germs infect it regularly. This is largely thanks to your immune system, which is automatically triggered every time it detects infection by bacteria, viruses, parasites, or other microbial organisms. Fighting infection There are three types of blood cells — red, white, ...

Armin Auctor

White blood cells fighting an infection.