emotional healing, grace, inner peace, letting go, life lessons, mindfulness, overcoming adversity, personal growth, resilience, spiritual wisdom

Embracing Life’s Uncertainties with Grace: A Lesson in Letting Go

The mountains quieted as the sun set and birds returned to their nests. Suddenly, a young man, his face contorted with anger, charged up a high hillside, shouting as if to release his pent-up life’s frustrations. The plight of the young man His outburst disturbed a Zen master meditating nearby. With a serene expression, the ...

Max Lu

Willow fluff on branches in the sun.

Finding Home Within: Su Dongpo’s Philosophy of Inner Peace

In classical Chinese literature, the phrase “Where the heart is at ease, there lies my homeland” from the poem Calming the Stormy Seas by Su Shi, also known as Su Dongpo, resonates deeply with many. This poem, written for his friend Wang Dingguo’s concubine Rou Nu, encapsulates a universally admired sentiment — achieving inner peace ...

Mikel Davis

Sunlight shining through dark clouds on the ocean.

The Art of Believing: Cultivating a Heart of Faith

In the vastness of human experience, faith stands as an enduring thread that weaves through cultures, religions, and individuals across time. This is more than a mere belief; it is a profound trust and conviction in something greater than yourself. Whether religious or secular, faith holds the potential to uplift and transform lives. In this ...

Viena Abdon

Aerial view of a few spotted clouds and the shining sun on the horizon.

7 Effective Habits to Reduce Stress and Find Inner Peace

Modern people face all kinds of pressures. There are many ways to reduce stress, but not all universally apply to different types of people. Many people find relief by satisfying material desires, but they can’t find true happiness. However, some people manage to be at ease and joyful under high pressure. People who are resilient ...

Hermann Rohr

Hiking in nature.

Inner Peace and Health Are Your Greatest Wealth for 2023

“Blessings never come together, and misfortunes never come alone.” Good luck or misfortune, inner peace, and health change with your thoughts and attitudes throughout life. Your spontaneous thoughts are your most significant wealth. In any situation, your intuitive thought will determine the outcome. How you see any event is up to you. If you view ...

Michael Segarty

The road leading to 2023.2023

Ho’Oponopono: Hawaiian Teaching for Restoring Self-Love and Balance

Some say you can never achieve inner peace without forgiveness, which is often correct. Ho’Oponopono teaches forgiveness to help restore self-love and balance. A grudge is like a weighted stone; carrying it underwater will sink you further. And though forgiveness may feel like a sharp sword, it opens your heart toward a weightless future. Letting ...

Mike West

A Hawaiian canoe.

How Being Needed Can Create Inner Peace and Wellbeing in Older People

We all seek some belonging. Our actions and contributions give us inner peace as nothing else can. This is especially so for older people. Our worldwide population is rapidly aging, with the most senior age group (80 and up) being the fastest-rising. But unfortunately, they are also the most forgotten group, and they find it more ...

Ratul Saha

Inner peace.

A Remedy for the Leading Causes of Death During the Pandemic

A research paper published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) revealed: “In 2020, heart disease and cancer were the leading causes of death in the U.S., accounting for 1.29 million deaths, followed by COVID-19, accounting for 350,000 deaths.” “From March 2020 to October 2021, heart disease (20.1%), cancer (17.5%), COVID-19 (12.2%), accidents ...

Max Lu

Man having a heart attack.

Achieving Inner Balance

You need to know how to achieve inner balance. The world today, in general, feels like a barrier to mental tranquility. But it is possible to achieve and keep inner serenity. What is inner balance? The concept of inner balance includes recognizing the inherent balance of contrasts that emerge within yourself and your environment. It ...

Viena Abdon

Round stones balanced on top of each other.

A Guide to Finding Happiness and Beauty in the Small Things

It is a human and universal desire to attain happiness. You will be hard-pressed to find any sane individual who does not want to be happy. However, it is also true that the definition of happiness is not the same for every person. For some people, joy lies in lofty things and aspects of life. ...

Emma Lu

Family being greeted by grandparents as they arrive for visit on Christmas day with gifts.