Is there proof of the principle of cause and effect, also known as karma? Scientists have discovered an …
Chinese CultureFeatured
Historic Chinese Tales Reveal the Consequences of Good and Evil Deeds
by Mikel Davisby Mikel DavisThere is a universal belief in Chinese culture — good begets good, and evil begets evil. As stated …
RelationshipsEditor's Pick
A Stoic Wife Succeeds in Winning Back Her Husband’s Heart
by Emma Luby Emma LuThe wife of a government official in Changzhou found herself out of favor with her husband, and the …
Chinese CultureFeatured
The Ripple Effect of Kindness: A Tale of Good Deeds Bringing Good Fortune
by Max Luby Max LuHere is a tale about the fortune that comes from doing good deeds. It is said that Heaven …
In life, we unconsciously create many karmic debts, including the killing of animals. Since our actions create karma, …
Many people pursue a good life based on material success, such as a high income, expensive homes, and …
As the ancient saying goes: “To err is human, to forgive is divine.” It means that recognizing one’s …
Mind & Spirit
The Consequences of Karma: A Tale of Good Deeds, Sudden Tragedies, and the Mysteries of Fate
by Emma Luby Emma LuLet me share with everyone a peculiar cause-and-effect story that highlights the consequences of karma. It happened in …
Mind & SpiritEditor's Pick
Karmic Retribution: Powerful Examples of Karma for Bullying and Murder
by Hermann Rohrby Hermann RohrKarmic retribution means that every deed or action has consequences, and evil deeds bring suffering. Suffering is not punishment …
Disaster does not happen by chance. It is the best proof of the iron law of cause and …