child development, mental health, mental health disorders in adolescence, research, study

Mental Health Disorders in Adolescence: The Risks and Resilience

A deeper understanding of the wiring and rewiring of the adolescent brain is helping scientists pinpoint why young people are especially vulnerable to mental health disorders in adolescence — and why some are resilient. When Charly Cox was diagnosed in her teenage years with depression and other mental health disorders, what lay ahead for her ...

Troy Oakes

Study Finds Nature Is Proving to Be an Awesome Medicine for PTSD

The awe we feel in nature can dramatically reduce symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), according to UC Berkeley research that tracked psychological and physiological changes in war veterans and at-risk inner-city youth during white-water rafting trips. Psychologists tested nature’s healing powers on 72 military veterans and, separately, on 52 teens from underserved Bay Area ...

Troy Oakes

Strong Sibling Bond Protects Against the Effects of Fighting Parents

Generally, children who experience recurrent destructive conflicts between their parents are at a higher risk of later developing mental health problems. However, a new longitudinal study published in Child Development finds that a strong sibling bond can offset the negative effects of parental strife. Conducted by researchers from the University of Rochester, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and the University ...

Troy Oakes

Study Shows Benefits to Veterans With PTSD Who Have Service Dogs

A new study shows how veterans with PTSD may benefit physiologically from using service dogs. This study, led by the Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine, is the first published research to use a physiological marker to define the biobehavioral effects of service dogs on veterans with PTSD. The findings were published in the journal Psychoneuroendocrinology, and they ...

Troy Oakes

Kerri Rodriguez and Maggie O'haire.

Marriage Reduces Depression in Couples Earning Less Than $60,000

People who are married and earning less than $60,000 per year in total household income have fewer symptoms of depression than comparable earning unmarried people. But for couples earning more, marriage doesn’t show the same mental health benefits, according to a study co-authored by a Georgia State University researcher. According to this study, people who ...

Troy Oakes

Schools Can Reduce Children’s Mental Health Problems

School-based services delivered by teachers and other school-based professionals can help reduce children’s mental health problems in elementary-aged children, reports a study published in the March 2018 issue of the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (JAACAP). Lead author Amanda Sanchez, MS, of the Center for Children and Families at Florida International University, said: ...

Troy Oakes

An empty chemistry classroom.

A Simple Guide to Meditation

Meditation is an approach to training the mind, just like you may use fitness to train the body. With the fast pace and the demands of modern life, most people are left feeling stressed and over-worked. Feeling this way, you are also left feeling tired, unhappy, impatient, and frustrated, which all affect our overall health. ...

Troy Oakes

man on mountain meditating

Can Orange Light Really Help Mental Disorders?

Can orange light therapy really help people who have serious mental disorders, like those who hear voices and see things that aren’t there? Or people who are thinking about committing suicide? A center in Norway has joined the ranks of only a very few where the windows and lamps are equipped with orange filters. The ...

Troy Oakes

orange window showing orange tinted trees and nature in yard

7 Golden Rules for Healthy, Younger-Looking Skin

Your skin is one of the first things that gets noticed about you, and it  needs to look its best while you’re meeting people socially and professionally. 7 rules to follow in order to achieve healthy, beautiful, younger-looking skin 1. Stay hydrated More than 60 percent of your body is composed of water. But this ...

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