mental health, mental well-being, working mothers

Working Mothers and Alarming Mental Health

A new social study undertaken at La Trobe University in Australia, published in the Journal of Marriage and Family, has found a strong and reciprocal link between working mothers‘ management of their work-to-family conflict and their mental health. Juggling paid work and family is commonplace for women in Western countries these days, but it’s really tough! Not only do these ...

Emma Lu

A mother holding her young daughter's hand and walking down a cobblestone street in a city.

Are Intrusive Thoughts Normal?

Intrusive thoughts are thoughts that seem to become stuck in your mind. The nature of some thoughts can be upsetting, causing distress once experienced.  Even if you are of sound mind, it is still possible to be struck by intrusive thoughts out of nowhere. However, it is entirely normal if you have recurring intrusive thoughts ...

Katrina Hicks

Emotional Asian woman covering ears with hands.

The 5 Ways Mental Clutter Affects Your Life

Mental clutter refers to times when our mind has too many thoughts, making it difficult to process and focus. Experiencing phases of a cluttered mind is not only disrupting while attempting to carry out daily tasks, but it is also unbalancing and detrimental to mental health.   In December 2017, Prevention published Is Your Mind Cluttered? ...

Katrina Hicks

Woman stressing, overthinking events alone at home.

Detox Your Mind: 5 Ways to Cleanse Your Character

Everybody is always talking about going on a detox to get rid of the impurities in their bodies so they can become physically healthier. Well, I think it’s best to first detox your mind. After all, the mind controls the body, and if you can have a clean mind, then you will be able to have a ...

Armin Auctor

Singer-songwriter Katy Mantyk doing Falun Dafa meditation. .

Maintaining Mental Health During COVID-19 and Beyond

Mental health is essential because it is a vital part of life and impacts thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Mental well-being also includes psychological and social well-being. Mental well-being is vital throughout all stages of life, from childhood and adolescence to adulthood.  Mental health conditions can have a substantial effect on all aspects of life. Therefore, it ...

Katrina Hicks

A sad man wearing a blue.

COVID-19: My Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Cure

It is estimated that globally, the prevalence of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is approximately 2 percent of the general population. The World Health Organization (WHO) once stated that obsessive-compulsive disorder is among the top 10 most disabling diseases.  As a sufferer myself, I have often found it’s a common misconception that my compulsions mainly involve cleanliness. ...

Katrina Hicks

Image of the coronavirus on a blue background.

Children’s Mental Health: Time to Step Back From Techno

Children’s mental health in the UK was discussed in the May 2021 issue of The Children’s Society. They were able to evaluate the statistics, and although the exact number of children currently suffering from mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression, remains unknown, it has been found that one in 6 children aged between ...

Katrina Hicks

A child's eyes.

The Unhealthy Myth of the Mad Artist

It is time to shed light on the unhealthy myth of the mad artist. As artists, we know there is nothing that feels more satisfying than being in a creative flow. When creating takes us on a journey to unexplored territory, we can see the growth in our work and we feel it inside of ...

Armin Auctor

The sculpture of a lady's head in an art studio surrounded by paint brushes in cups.

Study Uncovers Details Behind the Body’s Response to Stress

The biological mechanisms behind stress-related psychiatric conditions, including major depressive disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), are poorly understood. New research now details the interplay between proteins involved in controlling the body’s response to stress and points to potential therapeutic targets when this response goes awry. The study, which was conducted by an international team led by investigators ...

Troy Oakes

A man with his hands to his head.