parenting, raising children, responsible, sense of responsibility

The Key to Raising a Responsible Generation

To some people, being responsible means being able to provide for their family and contribute positively to society; to others, it means being accountable for their behavior.  Instilling a sense of responsibility in your children may seem like a tall order, but it’s worthwhile. Your children might also view this journey as a punishment, but ...

Nathan Machoka

A group of smiling children.

The Story of An Amazing Mother: Wang Shu-Zhen

Wang Shu-Zhen was an extraordinary woman and mother. She was born into a scholarly family in China in 1897, married a wealthy businessman when she was 19 years old, became a widow at 52, and singlehandedly raised 13 children, all of whom hold doctoral degrees. Resolution in the face of tragedy In 1948, when the ...

Emma Lu

Wang Shu-Zhen and her children.

Giving the Gift of Character to Children

The most important subjects children can learn aren’t graded. Those lessons are in strong character and moral values, yet we seldom receive instruction. Here are some of the best gifts to help introduce those great lessons and build character in your children. Developing companionship For children, the warmest love comes from the companionship of parents. ...

Raven Montmorency


Helicopter Parenting: 3 Types of Damage it Can Inflict on Children

Not everything done with good intentions leads to positive outcomes, which is evident in the case of helicopter parenting. Find out how hovering moms and dads affect the lives of their growing children. Helicopter parenting is a style where parents “take too much responsibility for their children’s experiences,” says Carolyn Daitch, Ph.D. (Edtechreview). Before everything ...

Mike West

Helicopter parents.

How Important Is Table Etiquette to Your Child’s Future Success?

In Western society, a person is harshly judged on their etiquette, and how they conduct themselves at the dinner table is no exception. An individual’s table etiquette reflects their habits and upbringing as a child. A friend once told me about an experience at work while recruiting new staff members. A qualified university graduate student ...

Kathy McWilliams

A child wolfing down pizza.

Here’s Why You Should Teach Children to Share

My mom had an old writing desk with a drawer she always kept locked. None of us six children knew what was inside the drawer as my mom never shared the contents with us. Two months after my mother passed away, my sister opened the drawer. Nothing of value was inside except for a small ...

Emma Lu

An old writing desk and chair.

Life Lessons: Exposing Children to Hardships

As much as we try to shield them from the most difficult of experiences, children are not immune to facing hardship. Whether it be as small as not getting picked at playtime or as large as losing a loved one, these hardships help to shape how a child handles life challenges. Parents and caregivers are ...

Emma Lu

A child facing a hardship.

How Cooking Can Teach You to Be a Better Parent

In an Interview with Reuters Life, Keith Dixon shared his thoughts on how cooking can teach you about parenting.  Keith’s daughter Gracie arrived five weeks early and roughly half the size of a typical baby, ushering in a long time of learning to deal with the unexpected that all new parents encounter. As Dixon, a ...

Ratul Saha

A family preparing food together.

6 Habits That Will Help Children Have a Good Life

Ye Sentao, a famous educator, said: “Education means developing good habits.” Childhood is the beginning stage of your life, and it’s a crucial period for developing habits. If parents are mindful of their children developing good habits, it will be difficult for their children not to grow up to be good adults in the future! ...

Wilma Oakes

A young girl looking through her clothes.

Correcting Behavior in a Child Who Won’t Listen

Children are often very explorative, but their curiosity can make it so they are hard to discipline. The process of teaching them to listen can be very frustrating for some parents and when not taught correctly, this could lead to some actions that could result in permanent behavioral changes. Understanding the reason behind a child ...

Mike West

An upset young girl not wanting to listen.