aging, personal growth, self-improvement, societal pressure, success, thirties

Embracing Your Thirties: 6 Reasons It’s Not as Scary as You Think

Everybody eagerly waits for their twenties because they will no longer be counted as teens. Most of the time, the twenties breeze by fast, and as the thirties near, fear and anxiety start creeping in.  Being anxious about this milestone is understandable since it comes with bodily changes and societal pressure. Men may get a ...

Nathan Machoka

Friends meet each other for a get-together in an apartment.

Embracing Mistakes: The Unseen Path to Success

In a world that often stresses perfection, it’s easy to view mistakes as failures. However, history is rich with stories of errors that serendipitously led to significant discoveries and innovations. By shifting our perspective, we can see mistakes not as setbacks but as unique opportunities for growth and success. Let’s explore how embracing the unexpected ...

Max Lu

Failures often lead to success.

The Wisdom of the Fields: A Tale of Courage, Generosity, and Forgiveness

In a small rural village, a 7-year-old boy experienced his first life lesson under the guidance of his father in the vast expanse of their family fields. The task was simple yet daunting for the young boy: to rid the field of weeds without harming the tender rice seedlings. As the boy stood paralyzed by ...

Max Lu

Crops growing in a rice paddy flooded with water.

How to Make Time for Yourself

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to become engulfed in a whirlwind of responsibilities, commitments, and endless to-do lists. Amid this chaos, carving out time for oneself — an essential component of maintaining overall health — often falls by the wayside. Yet, setting aside time for personal care is not merely a luxury; it’s a ...

Viena Abdon

Man sitting at his desk trying to fend off co-workers intent on dumping their work on him.

Healing Old Wounds: Actress Sun Li’s Story of Family and Forgiveness

Sun Li’s journey from a tumultuous childhood to a place of peace and success is a powerful story of resilience and forgiveness. As a celebrated Chinese actress, she has not only made a mark in the entertainment industry, but also navigated the complex path of reconciling with a father she felt estranged from after her ...

Mikel Davis

A father and daughter holding hands watching the setting sun.

10 Tips for Happiness: Insights From Harvard’s Tal Ben-Shahar

Professor Tal Ben-Shahar’s Harvard course “Positive Psychology” and his 10 tips for happiness have changed many lives. Sometimes, things don’t go as planned, so what should you do if life gives you lemons? You can choose to run away and be pessimistic, though you will be miserable. Try these 10 tips to lift your mood ...

David Clapp

A smiling middle-aged man.

Tsai Yide: Defying Limits as Taiwan’s Duck King and a Passionate Musician

Tsai Yide’s life story is a remarkable example of overcoming significant challenges through sheer determination and passion. Known widely as the “Disabled Singer,” Tsai Yide’s journey from a childhood afflicted with polio to becoming the “Duck King of Taiwan” showcases his incredible resilience. Despite being left with just one fully functional limb, he not only ...

Mikel Davis

Tsai Yide.

Overcome People-Pleasing: Tips for Prioritizing Your Needs

Falling into the trap of people-pleasing is a common dilemma, often fueled by the addictive lure of constant validation that makes us feel needed and valued. Yet, this desire to make everyone around us happy comes with significant costs, including frustration, anxiety, stress, depleted willpower, and even severe burnout. This may undermine the relationships you ...

Nathan Machoka

Word bubble containing the words 'You can't please everyone' in red ink.

10 Strategies to Use When Feeling Unmotivated

Feeling motivated is like an unpredictable friend. Sometimes, it’s energizing and abundant; at other times, it’s elusive and draining. We’ve all experienced moments when we are unmotivated and uninspired. Maybe you are trying to juggle too many tasks, are bored with a monotonous routine, or are overwhelmed by choices. 10 strategies to motivate yourself when ...

Nathan Machoka

An unmotivated-looking young man at his desk.

Warning Signs: Recognizing and Addressing Toxic Relationships

A healthy relationship can be a source of joy, growth, and support. While disagreements are natural, they are typically resolved in a way that doesn’t compromise the long-term commitment between partners. However, when warmth fades and disagreements become frequent, the relationship might be veering toward toxicity. What defines a toxic relationship In a toxic relationship, ...

Nathan Machoka

Man on sofa with arms crossed and frowning sits beside a frowning woman with her back turned to him.