goal setting, intrinsic motivation, mindset, motivation, personal growth, procrastination, productivity, progress, self-improvement, success

10 Strategies to Use When Feeling Unmotivated

Feeling motivated is like an unpredictable friend. Sometimes, it’s energizing and abundant; at other times, it’s elusive and draining. We’ve all experienced moments when we are unmotivated and uninspired. Maybe you are trying to juggle too many tasks, are bored with a monotonous routine, or are overwhelmed by choices. 10 strategies to motivate yourself when ...

Nathan Machoka

An unmotivated-looking young man at his desk.

Warning Signs: Recognizing and Addressing Toxic Relationships

A healthy relationship can be a source of joy, growth, and support. While disagreements are natural, they are typically resolved in a way that doesn’t compromise the long-term commitment between partners. However, when warmth fades and disagreements become frequent, the relationship might be veering toward toxicity. What defines a toxic relationship In a toxic relationship, ...

Nathan Machoka

Man on sofa with arms crossed and frowning sits beside a frowning woman with her back turned to him.

The Power of Forgiveness Over Punishment: Lessons From Life’s Journey

The choice between forgiveness and punishment is a recurring theme that shapes the course of lives and relationships. While the instinct for retribution is deeply ingrained in our sense of justice, there are compelling narratives that illustrate the transformative power of empathy and understanding. These stories, transcending time and place, offer profound insights into the ...

Max Lu

A lotus flower sits with spa stones and a piece of bamboo.

8 Ways to Break Free From Instant Gratification

From an evolutionary standpoint, it is human nature to seek instant gratification rather than wait for it, and many aspects of the consumerist culture today serve to perpetuate this tendency. But people can get into trouble when they give in to this need too often or incorrectly. Relying too much on instant gratification at the ...

Viena Abdon

A group of people sitting around a table using their smartphones.

Foster the Habit of Self-Discipline: The Guiding Principle to Success!

Short-sighted individuals value the “small” freedoms, those trivial, fragmented desires. In contrast, visionaries pursue “big” freedoms, the expansive liberties that bring true fulfillment. It is the self-disciplined who are poised to lead a beautiful life. When one lacks self-discipline, their actions are often swayed by habits and external temptations, making it challenging to pursue their ...

Emma Lu

Asian female standing outdoors with arms thrown wide, as if embracing life.

Traditional Chinese Wisdom: It’s a Blessing to Suffer Losses

During the Ming Dynasty, there was a scholar named Wu Zitian. His mother passed away early, and his father remarried. His stepmother favored her own son over him, treating him poorly. Over time, he harbored feelings of resentment in his heart. Later, he married, and his stepmother also treated his wife poorly. Feeling discontent, he ...

Mikel Davis

Asian American couple outdoors on their wedding day.

Navigating Life With Grace: The Path to Avoiding Misfortune

Cultivating a noble character is the most esteemed quality you can possess. But what constitutes such character? The ancient Chinese text on life, Caigen Tan, offers a clear perspective: “Not faulting minor mistakes of others, not exposing their secrets, and not dwelling on their past wrongs, these three can prevent harm and nurture one’s virtue.” ...

Mikel Davis

Antique compass sitting on an antique map of the world.

How Life’s Tapestry Teaches You Timeless Wisdom

In the tapestry of life, each thread is a story rich with lessons and insights. This collection of stories and anecdotes offers a glimpse into the diverse ways individuals confront challenges, seize opportunities, and navigate the complexities of life. They weave together themes of courage, resilience, and the importance of perspective. As you explore these ...

Mikel Davis

A blanket loom in the desert.

9 Effective Tips for Knowing When to Speak Up and When to Remain Silent

Understanding when to express yourself and when to remain silent is vital in both personal and professional relationships. Effective communication can strengthen bonds with friends and partners and may be the key to career advancement. Experts in communication suggest that we often use excessive words and emotions, with few pauses, in our dialogues. Essentially, many ...

Nathan Machoka

Man bursting out of a yellow background, holding his finger to his lips to call for quiet.