assertiveness, emotional intelligence, kindness, respect, rude people

9 Recommendations for Dealing With Rude People: Keeping It Kind

There will always be rude people in your life who are hard to interact with. It doesn’t matter if they are a stranger in the market, your roommate, or a colleague; someone will always get on your nerves.  Talking back is easy. However, how you respond to such behavior reveals a great deal about your ...

Viena Abdon

Being rude vs. being polite.

Reaping What You Sow: How Your Actions Toward Others Shape Your Own Experiences

A renowned celebrity once said that the factors contributing to one’s success can be broadly divided into two categories. Professional knowledge comprises only 15 percent, while personal cultivation, how you treat others, world-handling abilities, and adaptability cover the remaining 85 percent. This statement struck a chord with me. An unforgettable lesson from a company visit ...

Mikel Davis

Closeup of a wheat stalk in the field with the sun shining in the background.

10 Tips for Respecting and Getting Along With Others

In today’s world, respecting and getting along with others may sometimes seem complicated. Because everyone has their feelings, thoughts, and beliefs, which may differ from yours, you may have difficulty being tolerant, mainly if your emotions get involved. But suppose you can follow some basic rules and principles regarding interpersonal relationships, thinking of others first ...

Tatiana Denning

A group of older adults laughing and talking together.

Becoming a Worthy Person Depends Greatly on One’s Mother

Readers who are fond of history might notice that there were usually wise and insightful mothers behind many accomplished people. As the most critical person in a child’s life, a mother’s values and outlook deeply affect the family and children. For a family, even if it is a poor family, an upright, kind, hardworking, optimistic, ...

Trisha Haddock

A mother hugging her daughter.

5 Gifts You Should Avoid Giving to Chinese

Giving presents shows how much you care about that person and value your connections. When you offer someone a gift, no matter the reason, you typically express your feelings of affection and gratitude for them. But in Chinese culture, specific presents are taboo because of their bad luck implications.  When are Chinese gifts given? Gift-giving ...

Viena Abdon

Chinese gift-giving.

5 Tips on How to Say No Without Feeling Guilty

Saying no can be difficult, especially when dealing with friends, coworkers, or family members. However, it’s essential to learn how to say no without feeling guilty for your health and well-being. In this article, we’ll provide you with tips on how to say no without hurting anyone’s feelings or risking your relationships. How to say ...

Viena Abdon

How to say no to people.

Be Honorable and Pay Attention to These Rules in a Chinese Household

China is a nation of etiquette. From the ancient people to the present, many rules have been handed down from generation to generation. These rules cannot be forgotten because they often contain how to be a proper person and deal with things correctly. For Chinese, there are particular rules that reflect not only the wisdom of life, ...

Trisha Haddock

A large Chinese family.

How To Stop Entitlement: The Road to Self-Development

Entitlement is something everyone feels. But in some cases, it can take over and turn your behavior into something hurtful and imposing for others. Here’s how to stop it. Before pointing the finger at others, learn how entitlement can affect your life. The real victim is you. Being entitled makes you do things you shouldn’t ...

Mike West

Stop entitlement.

2 Stories Portraying Genuine Love and Caring Respect

There is nothing more important in life than simply understanding and having compassion for others. Here are two stories that portray genuine love and caring respect. 2 stories about genuine love and respect 1. A stranger’s care There was an old man who used his life savings to collect many priceless antiques. His wife passed ...

Emma Lu

A mural of a blue butterfly being held in someone's hands, painted on a brick wall.

Why You Should Prioritize Respect Over Popularity

Everyone loves some extra attention. However, should you sacrifice your self-respect for that attention? No, of course not. To understand your preference, let’s compare respect vs. popularity on a board level.  Comparison between respect and popularity  The distinction between popularity and respect is that one is concerned with outward appearance, while the other is concerned with the ...

Ratul Saha

A man and a woman having a conversation.