brain activity, learning a new skill, national institutes of health, sleep

Study Shows Taking Short Breaks May Help to Learn a New Skill

In a study of healthy volunteers, National Institutes of Health (NIH) researchers have mapped out the brain activity that flows when we learn a new skill, such as playing a new song on the piano, and discovered why taking short breaks from practice is a key to learning. In the study, NIH researchers determined the ...

Jack Roberts

A jigsaw puzzle shaped like a brain.

The Human Body Has a Remarkable ‘Sleep Point’

Many people suffer from insomnia, which can go on for a long period of time. Insomnia is a sleep disorder that is characterized by having difficulty falling asleep, even though the body is exhausted, or, finally falling asleep but dreaming lucidly so the mind and body cannot rest. This is why your body has a ...

Hermann Rohr

An empty bed.

Best and Most Effective Ways to Enjoy a Sound Sleep

Sound sleep, beyond doubt, is the most relaxed state one can get into! It is also a necessity for the body. When you sleep, the worn-out body cells and tissues get into repair mode. So, it is kind of a healing process for the tired body. Lack of sleep can lead to several physiological problems, ...

Raven Montmorency

Brunette female sleeping on her right side under a sheet and blanket.

7 Habits to Uplift Your Spirit and Health

Good health is as much about good habits as being born with a good constitution. It can be tough going and takes a lot of determination both to achieve and keep up with those good habits. Good health impacts your life in so many ways, even your destiny; from finances, to how you perform at work, ...

Tatiana Denning

Planting flowers in a garden.

Follow 3 Time Phases for Better Sleep Quality and Health

Following the clock to rest is the best way to help protect your heart and to allow your body to detoxify. This will not only improve your sleep quality, but also your health. Phase one sleep: 7 p.m.-9 p.m. According to traditional Chinese medical science, the 7 p.m.-9 p.m. period corresponds to the heart. Proper ...

Helen London

A woman sleeping at a table.

How Diet Can Help Improve Sleep Quality

There’s been a renewed focus on the importance of sleep quality as society at large has realized the power of this biological process. The food that fuels your body can either help or hinder your ability to sleep. A focus on balanced meals eaten at the right times could be what you need to boost ...

Hermann Rohr

A woman soundly sleeping.

9 Ways to Increase Immunity and Stay Healthy

Here are some common-sense approaches that you can incorporate into your daily life that can help prevent illness, increase immunity, and support a longer life. 9 ways to increase immunity 1. Anger “Sickness starts from the heart.” Maybe you have these experiences too — you don’t feel like eating as a result of great pressure; ...

Helen London

Man yelling into a phone.

How to Boost Your Immune System to Fight Off the CCP Virus

With people continuing to fall ill from the CCP coronavirus, interest in improving one’s immunity has been growing. Though a strong immune system does not guarantee that you won’t be infected, it does increase your chances of surviving the pandemic. So here are some ways you can boost your immune system and strengthen your body ...

Raven Montmorency

A bowl of peeled mandarins.

Sleep Better With These Traditional Chinese Medicine Tricks

Want to find a way to sleep better? Sleeplessness is an issue that affects many people. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has its own explanation for insomnia and other sleep disorders, offering an alternative understanding of the underlying cause of the problem. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and sleep TCM sees sleep disorders as being caused by ...

Emma Lu

A woman sleeping with her dog.

Maintaining Health During Difficult Times

Sometimes, you might not be in a situation where you can follow a strict healthcare regimen to keep yourselves fit. A good example would be the current coronavirus lockdown during which gyms are a no-go and you may not be able to find healthy superfoods in nearby groceries. Do not worry. Follow these simple tips ...

Raven Montmorency

A young woman doing a stretching exercise.