choosing a mattress, good health, guest-post, mattress, sleep

How a Comfortable Mattress Can Affect Your Overall Health 

Other than making the difference between a good night’s sleep or the lack of it, most people do not give enough credit to their mattress. Picking the right one for yourself is not just a sign of self-love, but means a lot to your health, given that on average, you spend one-third of your life ...

Raven Montmorency

A comfortable bed.

A Lack of Sleep Shrinks Men’s Testicles

The opener to Matthew Walker’s TED Talk is not exactly what you’d expect to hear in a lecture about sleep. “Men who sleep five hours a night have significantly smaller testicles than those who sleep seven hours or more,” Walker, a UC Berkeley professor of psychology and neuroscience, told the audience at the popular media ...

Troy Oakes

Matt Walker.

Why You Must Avoid Buying an Old or Used Mattress

If you are looking for a mattress to help you sleep soundly at night, never choose an old or used mattress. You may be wondering that if you can buy a used car, why not a used mattress? That is because old bedding material is infested with allergens and dust mites that cause ailments. You ...

Emma Lu

A dog sleeping on a mattress.

The Antioxidant Benefits of Sleep

In a new study published in the open-access journal PLOS Biology, Vanessa Hill, Mimi Shirasu-Hiza, and colleagues at Columbia University, New York, found that short-sleeping fruit fly mutants shared the common defect of sensitivity to acute oxidative stress, and thus that sleep supports antioxidant processes. Understanding sleep has become increasingly important in modern society, where ...

Troy Oakes

A cartoon of a sleeping fruit fly.

11 Strange Facts About Dreams

There are plenty of strange facts about dreams on the Internet, but while these are a natural part of sleeping, it’s surprising that many things about them and their purpose remain unknown. Are your dreams warning you of your future, or are they just the outcome of your daily routine? Some dreams are so vivid ...

Troy Oakes

10 Ways to Guarantee Quality Sleep at Night

Going to sleep is supposed to be a time to enable your body to rest, regain vitality, and restore energy to major organs. It also helps your skin to restore its elasticity. However, a common problem in modern society is that people do not experience quality sleep during the night. Many women even complain about ...

Emma Lu

Toddler wearing a blue top asleep on a pillow, covered by a blanket.