china, re-education camps, religious freedom, spirituality, uyghurs, xinjiang, xinjiang crackdown

Strength of Faith: Why CCP Policies in Xinjiang Will Inevitably Fail

For Beijing, the Uyghurs of Xinjiang are a group that needs to “assimilate” into Chinese society, meaning that the minority will be forced to give up their beliefs and adopt a lifestyle dictated by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). However, such “assimilation” policies are eventually bound to fail, not just in Xinjiang, but all across ...

Max Lu

Buddhists in a temple.

On Smudging, Incense, and the Science Behind It

Waving smoke from sacred fires or burning herbs or incense for purification has been a common practice among many traditions throughout the ages. It is said to be a bridge to the higher realms; a way to clear spiritual and emotional negativity that has built up in a space or a person. According to scientific ...

Hermann Rohr

Burning incense.