In the quiet hush of winter, a story unfolded that would serve as a stark reminder of the …
Active thoughts about suicide involve clear and precise thoughts about taking your life. There are two categories of …
Editor's PickSustainable Living
A Story of Tragedy: What Some Soldiers Face When Returning Home
by Troy Oakesby Troy OakesThis is a story of one of the soldiers who came home to find things are just not the …
There are places on Earth that just seem so cursed that its evil just creeps into your mind …
FeaturedMind & Spirit
Key Factors to Tackle Teenage Bullying and Suicidal Behaviors
by Troy Oakesby Troy OakesScreening and early interventions to address loneliness, sleep disturbances, and alcohol consumption can help to reduce the association …
Editor's PickMind & Spirit
Teen Posts Inspirational Notes on a Bridge to Let People Know They are Loved to Save Lives
by Armin Auctorby Armin AuctorSometimes, all it takes is a small gesture of appreciation or a motivational comment to change the life …
I first came across Katy Mantyk’s music through a song called Let it Flow, a folk-pop, Americana sound played …
The brain changes of teenage girls who engage in serious forms of self-harm, including cutting, show features similar …
There have always been concerns that mobile phone usage might end up hurting people’s eyes and negatively affect …
It’s been over a month since culinary TV show host Anthony Bourdain died, yet his CNN series Parts …