life-changing, new discoveries, study, sun

What Will Happen When the Sun Dies?

Scientists agree the Sun will die in approximately 5 billion years, but they weren’t sure what would happen next… until now. A team of international astronomers, including Professor Albert Zijlstra, from the School of Physics & Astronomy, predict it will turn into a massive ring of luminous, interstellar gas and dust, known as a planetary nebula. A planetary ...

Troy Oakes

The Sun rising over the Earth.

Could Our Sun Have a Long-Lost Twin?

The Sun has been the center of our galaxy for assumingly millions or even billions of years. It has a volume of 1 million earths and accounts for more than 99 percent of the mass in our solar system. Up until recently, most people, including scientists, have believed there is only one Sun like ours. ...

Hermann Rohr