Your skin is one of the first things that gets noticed about you, and it needs to look its best while you’re meeting people socially and professionally.
7 rules to follow in order to achieve healthy, beautiful, younger-looking skin
1. Stay hydrated

Drinking plenty of water daily will keep your skin looking plump and wrinkle-free. (Image: via Pixabay)
More than 60 percent of your body is composed of water. But this percentage does not stay constant and changes over time depending on the amount of water you consume and the amount your body uses up in various reactions within the body, such as sweating and excretion. Drinking plenty of water daily will keep your skin looking plump and wrinkle-free for younger-looking skin.
There is a popular myth that you need to drink 8 glasses of water every day, but this is not true. You should only drink as much water as you feel comfortable with, and which your body can effectively metabolize and use for various functions.
2. Use an effective moisturizer

While deciding on a moisturizer, ensure that it does not cause skin aggravations in the form of acne or pimples. (Image: Zenspa1 via Flickr)
Beauty products are a dime a dozen on the market, but the trick is to find an oil-free moisturizer that attends to your needs and does not react negatively to your skin type. While deciding on a moisturizer, ensure that it does not cause skin aggravations in the form of acne or pimples. The wrong kind of moisturizer can also make your skin look dull and flaky, make you feel itchy, and develop even more wrinkles on your skin than those that already exist.
3. Exfoliate regularly for younger-looking skin

Having an effective exfoliating routine will not only remove dirt particles, but also help slough off all the dead skin cells that are constantly being produced. (Image: Steve Johnson via Flickr)
Your skin is regularly exposed to harsh weather and pollutants dispersed in the air, so it is essential to have a daily routine dedicated to removing all the unwanted particles that stay lodged in your skin even after bathing.
Having an effective exfoliating routine will not only remove dirt particles, but also help slough off all the dead skin cells that are constantly being produced. It opens up your pores and flushes out the oil that becomes accumulated there after a day’s worth of sweating, giving you younger-looking skin. However, remember that too much exfoliation can also have a negative effect, and leave your skin dry and reddened.
4. Keep exercising

Apart from the innumerable mental and physical health benefits of regular exercise, it also helps beautify our skin. (Image: via Pixabay)
Our generation’s sedentary lifestyle spent behind our computer and smartphone screens is getting in the way of one of the most basic things that our bodies have evolved to do, which is exercise. Apart from the innumerable mental and physical health benefits of regular exercise, it also helps beautify our skin, making it glow with a healthy radiance. Blood is pumped to our skin cells and hormone regulation improves, sorting many of the imbalances that lead to unhealthy skin and giving you younger-looking skin.
5. Use plenty of sunscreen

Make sure that the type of sunblock you use is suitable for your skin, and does not cause any reactions like red skin or pimples. (Image: via Pixabay)
Regular and prolonged exposure to the sun can have severe effects on your skin, and the problem has been greatly compounded by increasing levels of global warming. Always use sunblock when you have to step out into the sun. Make sure that the type of sunblock you use is suitable for your skin, and does not cause any reactions like red skin or pimples.
Also remember to apply sunblock liberally over the exposed areas of your arms, face, and other places that need it.
6. Avoid stress
Our increasingly hurried lifestyles are shooting up stress levels like never before, and among a plethora of problems that this leads to is the emergence of wrinkles and fine lines on your face and other areas of the body.
You need to make a conscious effort to remove stress from your life. Doing yoga regularly can help you feel relaxed and tranquil, and improve your general health. Sleep well, and live a social life where you are surrounded by friends and families, and find a reason to laugh as often as possible.
7. Adopt healthy eating habits

If you want healthy, glowing skin, you’ll need to adopt a diet that helps you achieve that. (Image: via Pixabay)
At the end of the day, what matters the most for your general health is the kind of food you eat. If you want healthy, glowing skin, you’ll need to adopt a diet that helps you achieve that. Avoid eating too much salt or sugar. Even if you’re used to fast food and sodas on a daily basis, make a conscious effort to add more green and leafy vegetables to your diet, in addition to nuts, whole wheat, fish, and dairy-based products.
This article was written by Amelia from FixYourSkin. Amelia has a lot of experience with skin health and has written several articles that have been published. FixYourSkin has a lot of useful tips and skincare advice on the best Vitamin C serum for the face, moisturizers, and DIY recipes that can give you great-looking skin without any side effects!
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