Many people suffer from sinusitis and use a medicated nasal spray from the chemist for relief. There are a couple of other ingredients in your kitchen that may also be helpful that I bet you never knew about; apple cider vinegar (ACV) and shallots.
There are several ways to treat sinus problems by incorporating some simple old home remedies combined with Chinese acupressure points, which unblock the nose and treat the infection and inflammation.

2 old remedies for sinusitis
1. Apple cider vinegar: this stuff is good!
ACV is a most wonderful and versatile natural medicine. I call it a “medicine” because it helps to prevent disease through antimicrobial action. By drinking it diluted, it feeds the stomach’s good bacteria and breaks up mucus. By inhaling it in a steamer, the anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal substances work directly in the nasal and sinus cavity, restoring the environment’s healthy state. When sinusitis is caused by airborne allergens, ACV works as an antihistamine, and could even match over-the-counter medications such as Zyrtec.
ACV steam inhaler
Mix equal amounts of ACV and water on a stove and gently heat until steaming hot. Pour into a large and heavy bowl and inhale through your nose for a few minutes. If the vinegar is too strong, take a little break between breaths and make the solution weaker next time. While you breathe in the steam, try pressing the acupressure points on either side of your nostrils and then higher up your nose, below each eye in the hollows. These points help the sinuses to drain.
ACV health tonic
Drinking ACV daily will benefit your entire system by improving your stomach’s biome; you can expect to have a stronger immune system and better nutrient uptake through improved digestion. Simply pour one tablespoon of ACV, which contains the “mother,” into a large glass of warm water and drink; it’s really refreshing. Add honey if it’s a bit sour for you. This drink is a great morning beverage to kick start your day and a great evening beverage as you prepare your stomach for the meal ahead.

2. Shallots for sinusitis
Shallot compress
It sounds like it will be a messy fuss, but using shallots for sinusitis is actually a cinch. Simply cut a 3 cm piece of shallot off the end or base, which is white, not green. Then cut this in half, long ways, splitting it down the middle. Press these two pieces onto either side of your nose; you have two acupuncture points here. Hold here for a few minutes, or until you sense some movement within your nose, which feels like cement.
Shallot swab
Alternatively, swab the sticky juice off the inside of a freshly cut shallot with a cotton tip. Dab this around inside your nose and inhale. The vapor and juice, like ACV, also have anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal properties. This method should unblock your nose and prevent sinusitis from taking hold.
You can use any of these methods when you feel the first hint of a sinus attack. If severe sinusitis persists, ask a doctor to help you find the cause and work with that.
As with all advice, it is always best to consult your health care professional if you are trying anything new.
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