Your parents brought you into this world and gave you a life to live in this world. So be nice to them when they are alive. Do not regret it when you have no chance to be nice to them when they are gone. If you list the things you have done for your parents, it may be very short compared with what they have done for you.
If one day you find that they smell or their room smells, probably that is because they can not smell it themselves. So this would be the time for you to start to take care of them, just as they did for you when you were young.

What not to say to your parents
- “Enough! Don’t nag me!” (Your parents enjoy talking to you so much because they love you!)
- “What’s up? Nothing much? Well, I’ve got to go.” Then you hang up the phone. (Your parents give you a call just because they want to hear your voice. So do not hang up the phone so quickly).
- “Don’t ask because you will never understand.” (They ask questions because they want to understand you).
- “I have told you many times to stop doing this because you can never do it well!” (Maybe they are too old to do something well, but do not make them feel useless).
- “Your way of doing things is outdated.” (They want to share their experiences with you because they want you to succeed).
- “I told you not to clean my room; now I can not find things I need!” (You should clean your room yourself and be thankful to your parents for wanting to help).
- “I will choose what I want to eat; do not force me to eat that stuff!” (If your mother asks you to taste a dish she made especially for you, do as she says because a loving mother is like a bountiful fortune).
- “I already told you not to eat leftover food; can’t you understand?” (They may have experienced hard times and hate to waste food, so try to persuade them to cook fewer dishes).
- “I know my stuff; do not tell me what to do.” (They are just trying to help).
- “I have told you to throw them away; why are they still here?” (Respect their feelings and their right to live the way they like.)

Be kind, and you will be treated kindly. Remember, what they are experiencing now is what you will experience in the future.
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