Sea saly in a bag and containers. (Image: Alexandr Kornienko via Dreamstime)
An important element in your daily diet is table salt. Using table salt ensures that the cells in your body are functioning normally and it aids in preventing as well as treating diseases.
The varied uses of table salt in your food
Sprinkling some salt on salads will keep them fresh for a longer period of time.
Adding a pinch of salt into your milk will maintain its freshness for a longer period of time.
Salting and smoking helps to preserve foods, thus enabling them to be kept for a longer time without refrigeration.
Wrapping cheese with a cloth infused with salt will prevent mold from developing on it in an outdoor environment.
Placing a pinch of salt into your coffee will enhance its sour flavor.
A dash of salt will greatly improve the flavor of plain foods.
Salt added to meat and fish removes excess water (which breeds germs) and helps to preserve them.
To increase the boiling point of water, add some salt and this will also help the food cook faster.
A dash of salt will greatly improve the flavor of plain foods. (Image: Danieltaeger via Dreamstime)
Medicinal uses of table salt
Gargling salted water will help relieve sore gums and any toothaches.
Brushing the teeth with saline water benefits oral hygiene.
Pain caused by bee stings can be relieved by wetting the wound and covering it with salt.
Cleaning a wound with a saline solution can prevent infection.
Gargling with warm salty water can reduce germs and ulcers in the oral cavity and relieve a sore throat.
Mixing one unit of salt (eg. ¼ tsp) with 2 units (eg. ½ tsp) of baking soda in a cup of water while brushing your teeth will help clean them.
Salt can be used as an antibiotic to clean a wound. Small papules and blisters on the skin can be healed by rinsing the skin with salty water.
Seasonal allergies can be relieved by applying a nasal spray made of water mixed with 1/4 cup of salt and 1/4 cup of baking soda.
Gargling with warm salty water can reduce germs and ulcers. (Image: Mark Deibert via Dreamstime)
Other miscellaneous uses for table salt
Salt added to ice can shorten the melting time.
To easily remove feathers on a chicken, first spread and rub salt on its skin.
To make a homemade grease remover, mix 1 unit of salt with 4 units of alcohol. Removes fat on items.
Nuts soaked in salted water can be skinned more readily.
The dirt on vegetables and other farming produce can be removed more easily with salty water.
To easily remove burnt food residues on pots add salt, to act as an abrasive, along with the washing water.
Spread salt in shoes to absorb any moisture from sweat and help remove any bad odors.
Mix salt with vinegar to remove dirt on glassware.
Infusing a cloth with 6 spoons of salt and 2 spoons of lemon juice will help remove rust.
Salt spread around the campsite or to the entrance of your tent can act as an insect repellent. This can stop ants or other crawling insects from venturing inside.
Salt added to ice can shorten the melting time. (Image: Buurserstraat386 via Dreamstime)
Add salt to your water when washing clothes as this acts as a color fastener. This helps prevent colors from fading too quickly from your clothing items.
Salt can be used as bait when hunting wild animals as many of them have the habit of licking salt.
When cleaning pots and removing tea and coffee stains, adding salt to the process will ease the cleaning.
Frost will not form on glass that has been wiped down with saltwater the prior night.
To remove any odors on a chopping board, first wipe the surface down with a wet cloth, cover the surface with salt, leave for a while, and then clean the board with warm water.
Eggs placed in salty water will indicate their freshness. For instance, fresh eggs will sink while older eggs will float.
Wine or juice stains can be removed by covering the stains with salt. Wait a few minutes and then wash the cloth with cold water.
Sponges can be cleaned and sterilized by first soaking them in salt water, then boiling them for 20 minutes, and finally rinsing and drying them.
Eggs placed in salty water will indicate their freshness. (Image: Punporn Aphaithong via Dreamstime)
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