Marriage is one of the most challenging relationships any human being can undertake. But it is also one of the most rewarding. According to a study published by the British Medical Journal, people in a healthy love relationship have better mental and physical health and live longer than those in unhealthy relationships.
However, the lifelong love commitment, as perfect as it might seem, is never a bed of roses. There is no guidebook about marriage; therefore, each union is different and can sometimes be stressful. There are certain factors that can trigger stress in a marriage. These include lousy communication habits, fertility issues, financial problems, lack of sexual intimacy, unbalanced splitting of chores, and unfaithfulness, among others.
It’s important to note that “ignore it and it will go away” does not apply to stress in a marriage. Unresolved stress issues in marriage can lead to more problems. So how do you overcome stress in your relationship?
7 ways to reduce stress in marriage
1. Communication
Open up to your partner. Let them know what’s stressing you, and make sure you listen to them, too. No matter what it is, if it is causing stress, then it’s worth talking about, so do not bottle it up. Holding back can lead to even more stress and maybe even depression.

Marriage is a two-way street. There may be times when both of you are stressed at the same time, so remember to also listen when your partner is talking about what’s worrying them.
2. Talk about finances and bills
Money is the primary cause of stress in most marriages. Talking about bills and financial issues with your partner can save your marriage.
Having conversations about finances will help you understand each other better. One person might be a spendthrift, while the other is the opposite.
So discuss debts, credit cards, credit scores, and loans. Agree on whether you should have joint accounts or separate ones. It is also important to talk about your bank accounts and how they should be operated to avoid financial stress in the future.
3. Balance household chores
Doing all the household chores can be tiresome, and everyone appreciates a helping hand. Splitting household chores 50/50 without arguing about who works for longer hours or gets tired more can resolve many issues in marriage.
You and your partner can do the chores on days you’re most comfortable or days that favor your work schedules. Hiring someone to clean the house for you is also a great option if you’re too busy or tired after work.
4. Prioritize your relationship
Your partner should always come first. Create time, no matter how busy your schedule, to spend a few hours or days with your loved one. Go on dates, take mini-vacations, or spend time away from kids, just the two of you.
Learning your spouse’s love language can also help you connect better. You can never go wrong with this. If your partner likes gifts, surprising them once in a while will go a long way toward reaffirming to them that you still care.

5. Prioritize intimacy
Lack of intimacy in marriage can cause stress and divorce. Intimacy doesn’t necessarily mean sex. Your partner needs a friend they can trust and get cozy with. Cuddling as you watch your favorite TV show or movies and falling asleep in each other’s arms can help strengthen your relationship.
A marriage without intimacy can be traumatizing. Intimacy is a pillar of a successful marriage, so create time for it and show your partner genuine affection.
6. Focus on your strengths
Instead of dwelling on your partner’s flaws, you can choose to focus on their strengths and the things you love about them. Support each other so you can overcome your individual weaknesses and discover what thrills you most about your partner.
7. Give your partner space
Spending time away from your partner can rejuvenate your marriage. There are often people who say they feel “suffocated” in a relationship. Allowing your partner to pursue their hobbies, spend time with their friends, or have a drink alone will enable them to be free without feeling controlled or pressured.
Some people want to be left alone, while others love spending time as a couple. The best option is to find a balance and do what works for your marriage.
Enjoying a stress-free marriage
There are many ways to reduce stress in your marriage. It’s about communication and balancing what works for you and your partner.
It would be great if you and your partner could rise to any challenges you face and overcome them together. But if you can’t solve your issues on your own, find a marriage counselor to help you out.
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