How Marriage and Fatherhood Benefit Men

There’s a common misconception that marriage and fatherhood are the things that ruin a man’s life. After all, why would any sane man want to be tied down to one woman and have a bunch of kids? Surely, that would just lead to a life of drudgery and misery. However, the truth is that marriage ...

Jack Roberts

A dad with a daughter on his shoulders.

Loving Embrace: A Son’s Journey to Reconnect With His Mother

Long absorbed in his own life of work, marriage, and fatherhood, he felt a growing distance from his mother. What once was daily companionship during his youth had dwindled due to his busy schedule. However, a serious illness brought him back home urgently. His mother’s condition was severe, her appearance frail and worn, her hair ...

Mikel Davis

Silhouette of a mother kneeling down and kissing her son on his forehead.

The Positive Benefits of Marriage in a Man’s Life

Marriage is a profound institution that holds the potential to shape one’s life. While the benefits of marriage extend to both men and women, most of the time, only the women’s perspectives are highlighted. Hence, in this article, we will focus on the positive impact marriage can bring to a man’s life. From personal growth ...

Viena Abdon

Two wedding bands.

6 Proven Ways How Dads Can Bond With Their Children

The role of a dad in a family has changed dramatically in the past century. In the past, fatherhood mainly provided for the family and left the parenting to the mom. But in the last few decades, studies have shown the importance of dads in parenting. Your presence influences your children’s success, well-being, and happiness. ...

Nathan Machoka

A dad with a daughter on his shoulders.

How Cooking Can Teach You to Be a Better Parent

In an Interview with Reuters Life, Keith Dixon shared his thoughts on how cooking can teach you about parenting.  Keith’s daughter Gracie arrived five weeks early and roughly half the size of a typical baby, ushering in a long time of learning to deal with the unexpected that all new parents encounter. As Dixon, a ...

Ratul Saha

A family preparing food together.

How to Create Intimacy Without Sex

When you are in a relationship, it is natural that you feel the urge to show the partner how you think of them. Couples in a relationship can create intimacy, but it is not only limited to physical intimacy. You can get intimate with your partner or spouse without showing physical love. There are many ...

Raven Montmorency

A couple clasping hands.

6 Types of Family Environments That Harm Children the Most

Home is very important to each of us. The family environment during childhood can determine a person’s character and influence them throughout their lives. Thus, a good family environment is essential for children to grow up in. Unfortunately, many family environments are not good and can harm children. Family environments that harm children the most ...

Helen London

Green paper cutout of a family hand in hand along with a dog.

Misguided Modern Feminism: Not the True Feminine

Feminism began as the advocacy of women’s rights and the belief in social, economic, and political equality of the sexes. Feminism refers to a series of political campaigns for reforms on issues such as reproductive rights, domestic violence, maternity leave, equal pay, women’s suffrage, sexual harassment, and sexual violence. Feminism has taken on many different, ...

Katrina Hicks

A large woman's foot crushing a man.

Great Sons and Greater Fathers

On Father’s Day, we take a look back at the meaning of fatherhood, both of great sons and greater fathers, and its significance in our present-day society. It seems like wherever we turn, men and fathers are taking a beating, with the blaming of patriarchy for every problem under the sun. In short, fathers are ...

Armin Auctor

Kids, Not Gender, the Biggest Influence on Work/Care Policy Attitudes

Only 15 percent of Australians can balance work and family responsibilities. Young dads consider paid parental leave to look after their kids to be as important to their future success at work as mothers. And it’s the same trend in attitudes to shared household work, according to new research. However, young men without children are ...

Troy Oakes

A father helping his daughter.