Unveiling the Mystery: The Unseen Benefits of Movies for Kids

Pediatricians recommend that children watch less television than they currently do, but movies may have unseen benefits for kids. For eons, stories have been a source of learning and inspiration for children. They nourish young minds, allowing them to explore the depths of imagination and knowledge. Today, most kids no longer huddle by the fire ...

Hermann Rohr

A movie theater.

How to Establish a Good Bedtime Routine for Your Kids

A good bedtime routine is essential for your child’s growth, development, and health. Many studies show children who do not sleep well at night have trouble functioning during the day. Children should get enough sleep according to their age. According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, it is recommended that infants should get at ...

Nathan Machoka

A sleeping girl.

How to Get the Most Out of a Visit to an Art Gallery With Kids

In our house, we have a favorite story about art and the time our toddler was dragged from the National Portrait Gallery kicking and screaming: “I want to see more paintings!!!” She needed lunch, we had to go, but she loved the “Nick Cave Gallery,” as she called it, with his luminous portrait by Howard ...

Troy Oakes

A girl in an art gallery.

Is It OK to Let My Kids Watch the Same Show Over and Over Again?

Do you find your children asking to watch the same TV shows and movies, or play the same video games over and over (and over again)? Perhaps you also think it would be better if they had a more varied screen-time diet. “Are you sure you want Frozen again? You’ve already seen it 20 times!” ...

Troy Oakes

Children watching a video in bed.

Understanding the Harm in Letting Kids Watch Horror Movies

Gathering for a movie night with the family is a simple yet delightful bonding activity that everyone from the oldest to the youngest family member can enjoy. Popcorn, snacks, cozy blankets, and everyone gathered together to watch a great film is a picture-perfect moment that creates fond memories. However, there is one thing that can ...

Arianne Ayson

Family sitting on the sofa eating popcorn with scared expressions on their faces while watching a movie together.

Taking Kids to Restaurants Without the Tantrums! 

Every parent or adult who has experienced bringing kids to a restaurant knows that any fine dining experience could quickly become a nightmare once a child starts throwing a tantrum. But kids are kids. So guess how the Internet reacted when a popular restaurant in rural Georgia charged some extra dining surcharge for what they ...

Viena Abdon

A family dining out.

Helping Barbers Fill Their Shops with Books for Kids

Reading can transport you into different worlds, stimulate your imagination, and empower you with knowledge. As technology continues to dominate our lives, it’s crucial to find innovative ways to encourage children to rediscover the joy of reading. One man’s inspiring initiative was to partner with barbershops and fill them with books, creating a nurturing environment ...

Viena Abdon

Barbershop books for kids.

The Bus Driver Who Taught Children How to Read: Mr. Herman’s Kids

Being a bus driver is often a job that most people overlook, but one particular driver decided to use his free time to teach children how to read. Here’s how Mr. Herman helped the children read and their reactions to how he spent his free time teaching them. Herman Cruse is a bus driver who ...

Mike West

Herman Cruse with a student.

‘Kidfluencer’ Culture Is Harming Kids in Several Ways

Parents share content of their children for myriad reasons, including to connect with friends and family, and to seek validation or support. However, some parents also do this for commercial gain. They manage their children as social media “kidfluencers” — allowing them to work with brands to market products to other children (and adults). The ...

Troy Oakes

A young boy wearing a hat with arms folded.