In just seven minutes, a Japanese animation short has moved millions of viewers around the globe, earning the …
Mikel Davis
Mikel Davis
Mikel serves as editor and sometime writer for Nspirement. He loves foreign cultures and foreign places. They have taught him many lessons. He hopes his work can impact others so they have a better life, or at least a better day.
HistoryEditor's Pick
A General’s Choice: Fighting for China, Rejecting Communist Rule
by Mikel Davisby Mikel DavisLi Hanhun (1894-1987), known as one of the eight renowned anti-Japanese generals of Guangdong’s Yue Army, led a …
Chinese CultureFeatured
The Karmic Consequences of Spreading Immoral Content in Ancient China
by Mikel Davisby Mikel DavisThroughout history, the idea of karma has been central to moral teachings. The notion that harmful actions, especially …
How to Avoid These 5 Charging Mistakes That Shorten Your Phone’s Lifespan
by Mikel Davisby Mikel DavisModern smartphones are designed with integrated batteries, making them difficult to replace. Once the battery is damaged, the …
Wang Yangming (1472-1529), also known as Wang Shouren, was one of the Ming Dynasty’s most influential thinkers, philosophers, …
Not all foods come with an expiration date. In fact, some foods can last indefinitely if stored properly, …
Chinese CultureFeatured
Xu Heng: Statesman, Educator, and Moral Exemplar in the Early Yuan Dynasty
by Mikel Davisby Mikel DavisThe Yuan Dynasty, founded by the Mongolian descendants of Genghis Khan, ruled China from 1271 to 1368. Kublai …
The Surprising Benefits of Cinnamon: Adding a Spoonful Can Make a Difference
by Mikel Davisby Mikel DavisWith its enticing aroma, cinnamon is a favorite addition to coffee for many. Not only does it reduce …
The old Chinese saying “One’s blessings in life come from virtue, destiny, feng shui, hidden good deeds, and …
Chinese CultureFeatured
The Unwavering Loyalty of Li Ruoshui: A Tale of Courage and Sacrifice
by Mikel Davisby Mikel DavisWhen enemy forces breached the capital during the Jingkang Incident of the Song Dynasty, one man escorted the …