Emma Lu

Traditional Chinese Medicine Case: Healing a Troubled Heart

In my traditional Chinese medicine practice, one of my patients is a 53-year-old female physician. Her ex-husband is also a physician and they have two sons. Every year, their whole family often goes vacationing abroad. In many people’s eyes, their marriage was made in Heaven. However, one day, she discovered all the money in the bank ...

Emma Lu

A broken heart propped up in the crack of a log with pale blue flowers sitting next to it.

How Women’s Hair Became a Valuable Commodity in South Korea

South Korea is a country known mostly for its flourishing technology sector and amazing beauty products. However, most people don’t know about the women’s hair trade that thrived in the country and helped the nation grow financially in the 1960s. The South Korean wig industry As in many places influenced by Confucian thought, Koreans traditionally ...

Emma Lu

South Korean women working in a wig factory.

Happiness Is Living Without Fear

Happiness is politicians who don’t fear assassination, and protesters who don’t fear suppression. The rich have no fear of being kidnapped, and the poor have no fear of their last bowl being confiscated. The middle class has no fear of a civil revolution, and the general public does not fear that their leaders’ words may ...

Emma Lu

Young woman sitting on the end of a dock on a lake.

Children With ‘High Emotional Intelligence’ Often Express 4 Sentences

Parents generally aspire to have their children learn well, be imbued with a high IQ, possess a high level of emotional intelligence, and as adults, have proper moral conduct throughout their lives. The emotional intelligence of a child can be seen in their daily routines. If a child expresses the following four sentences, these will ...

Emma Lu

A group of children blowing bubbles.

Divine Retribution Suffered by a Midwife

Nobody can escape divine retribution, as the following story illustrates. In June of the 57th year of Qing Emperor Qianlong, a pregnant woman in a village in Andong County was going to give birth. She invited a midwife to help her. After the woman safely gave birth to a baby boy, the midwife stayed overnight ...

Emma Lu

Close up of an Asian woman's hand holding the tiny heal of a newborn infant.

How Successful People Manage Their Lives

Researchers in the social and behavioral sciences have discovered that successful people worldwide share certain positive attitudes. Providing material comfort and economic status has little to do with success; rather, what matters is one’s attitude toward life.  How do I achieve what successful people achieve? The following list of 14 attitudes sheds some light on personal ...

Emma Lu

Men and women at a startup business meeting.

This 3-Bean Soup Is a Must to Help Handle the Summer Heat

3-bean soup is considered to have a cooling effect in Chinese food philosophy, helping reduce body heat, clear toxins, and prevent heat-related ailments like heat rash and heat stroke. This upcoming summer is expected to be remembered for one thing across the U.S. — its heat. The Maine-based Farmers’ Almanac released its summer forecast prediction, ...

Emma Lu

A bowl of 3-bean soup.

The Story of Ah Xiu, a Tale of Love and Loss

This is a story like no other, told by Ah Yi about his adopted sister Ah Xiu. He did not know his father, who died in a car accident when he was very young. Ah Yi remembers that when he was 10 years old, his mother took him to the markets where they saw a group of children ...

Emma Lu

Shadow of a cild on a swing.

Legendary Chinese Jade

Jade communicates a sense of mystery. In Chinese, jade refers to a fine, beautiful stone with a warm color and rich luster, skillfully and delicately carved. It symbolizes nobility, perfection, constancy, and immortality. For millennia, it has been an intimate part of the lives of Chinese of all classes. Jade is viewed as the most ...

Emma Lu

Carved jade ornament.

Top 10 Foods to Nourish Gut Bacteria and Boost ‘Happiness’

Have you ever experienced being in the company of individuals who are frequently moody and unpleasant? Unbeknown to most people, such unpleasantness and moodiness could be a reflection of the unsuitable and poor composition of gut bacteria. The state of one’s mind and body are closely related to one’s digestion and gut bacteria.  10 common ...

Emma Lu

Bowl of oatmeal with strawberries and milk.