Emma Lu

‘Crisis’ is the Name for India’s Air and Water Dilemma

India’s air and water dilemma is becoming ever more serious. Although India is one of the world’s top developing countries, it finds itself in the list of the top polluted nations in the world. In fact, the 15 most polluted cities in the world include 6 cities located in the northern belt of India. Additionally, ...

Emma Lu

Extreme air pollution in India.

12 Dietary Habits for a Long Life

Everyone hopes to live a long and healthy life. To find the secrets of longevity, U.S. researchers studied the dietary habits of people living in areas where the lifespan is exceptionally long. From examining the diets of healthy elderly people in these regions, they identified the following 12 key dietary habits for long life. 12 ...

Emma Lu

Veggies from your garden.

Li Ka-Shing Shares Advice on Success

Asia’s richest man, Li Ka-shing, talked on many occasions about his way of doing business to become a success. He often shares his view on how to judge friends and trust people. Li Ka-shing was born in Chaozhou, Guangdong, China in 1928, but in 1940, Li Ka-shing and his family fled to Hong Kong during ...

Emma Lu

Li Ka-shing.

Port Stephens: An Idyllic Coastal Paradise

Port Stephens is an idyllic coastal paradise that stretches across northeastern New South Wales, Australia. It is renowned for its vast expanse of sand dunes that sit in contrast to its extensive bay and harbor areas. It is a popular tourist destination, offering an abundant range of land and sea activities. With boundless sea and ...

Emma Lu

Classical Music Aids Health and Development

Music therapy has been researched in several clinical areas over the past 40 years, with many studies showing that classical music aids health and has a very positive impact on people’s wellbeing. According to the American Cancer Society, music therapy is often used in cancer treatment in reducing the pain caused by chemotherapy and effectively ...

Emma Lu

A symphony orchestra.

The Chinese Character for Book: Shū (書)

The Chinese character for book, letter, written document, or writings is 書 (shū). 書 is an ideogrammic compound, or associative compound, a type of Chinese character consisting of two or more parts with similar or different meanings combined to create new characters. The character 書 comprises two parts. On the top is 聿 (yù), the ...

Emma Lu

7 Soups in Summer? Yes, and the Ingredients Have so Many Health Benefits

In summer, your body loses a lot of water, so you need to rehydrate. The following seven soups in summer cool down and detoxify the body, and help lower blood lipid levels (fat build-up in arteries), among many other benefits mentioned below. 7 soups in summer for your health 1. Mung bean soup Drinking mung ...

Emma Lu

A bowl of Turkish mung bean soup.

Mustard Chinese Cabbage Rolls

After indulging in the rich delicacies of the Chinese New Year feast, it’s time to lighten up for spring with a healthy and refreshing plate. These mustard Chinese cabbage rolls, a traditional Beijing dish, are just what the doctor ordered — made with pickled Chinese cabbage, they are easy to put together and are packed with ...

Emma Lu

Guarding Against Arrogance

Renowned calligrapher Wang Xizhi (王羲之), known as the Sage of Calligraphy in China, lived during the Jin Dynasty (A.D. 265-420) and had seven children. Among his children, his youngest son, Wang Xianzhi (王獻之), was also a distinguished calligrapher, but he suffered from arrogance. By the time Xianzhi was 15 years old, he had already achieved ...

Emma Lu

Pangu’s Creation of Heaven and Earth

Does China have creation stories? The answer is yes, and the name of the first creation God is Pangu. At the beginning of time, the universe was unformed, and Heaven and Earth were unseparated. It was like a round egg, in which there was no light or sound. In the universal egg lay a sleeping ...

Emma Lu

illustration of Pangu (God of creations) face - he seems to have 2 horns on his head, long hair a beard and goatee and long moustache.