Tatiana Denning

7 Habits to Uplift Your Spirit and Health

Good health is as much about good habits as being born with a good constitution. It can be tough going and takes a lot of determination both to achieve and keep up with those good habits. Good health impacts your life in so many ways, even your destiny; from finances, to how you perform at work, ...

Tatiana Denning

Planting flowers in a garden.

All Illnesses Are Caused by Qi Stagnation

Life, according to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), is a gathering of Qi, or vital life energy. The vitality and health of the human body relies on the ‘pushing’ action of this Qi for good health. Conversely, Qi stagnation in any part of the body leads to illness or loss of vitality. Much like the Qi in ...

Tatiana Denning

Three women doing a yoga pose in the woods.

How to Alleviate Pandemic-Induced Anxiety in Children

With the advent of COVID-19, life as we have known it has changed drastically. Not only has it turned our adult lives upside down, but the lives of our children have also been drastically impacted. No one really knows how much anxiety they are under, or how their young world is being affected. Gone are ...

Tatiana Denning

Three children at a laptop computer.

A True Story: A Righteous Man Can Escape Disaster

Mr. Wang was a kind and righteous man. He ran a hotel behind the county hall of Jiangning County, in the Province of Jiankang during the Song Dynasty. Like all good people, he was straightforward, honest, and fair in his business dealings, and so people called him Honest Wang. He also liked to help Taoist ...

Tatiana Denning

A raging fire.

The Most Powerful Health Resource You Have Is Your Mind

Your mind is very powerful. If pharmaceutical companies could bottle and sell the placebo effect, they would be many times wealthier than they already are. A placebo, commonly known as a sugar pill, is what a new drug coming to market must be measured against to determine which works better, the drug or the mind. ...

Tatiana Denning

Soil with chalk outline as persons head and fresh green plant grows from the mind.

Returning to a Child-Like Heart

“The unexamined life is not worth living.” ~ Socrates A child-like heart When I was little, I was rather shy and reserved, preferring to stay in the background and observe. While I had some friends, I was just as content to do my homework or spend long hours reading on my bed, as I was doing ...

Tatiana Denning

Adult and child holding a red heart.

When Facing Adversity, if You Do Your Best, You Thrive

One way or another, at some time or another and at the worst possible time, adversity will show up at your door. Depending on the way you handle it, whether it is physical, spiritual, or emotional, adversity can be your friend or foe. Facing adversity can make you or break you. “If a man is ...

Tatiana Denning

A plant growing amoung rocks.

The Goodness of Perseverance

The dictionary definition of perseverance lets us know that it is continued effort; to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition; the action or condition or an instance of persevering; steadfastness. Perseverance. It’s not something you are really taught, and sometimes you are not even sure if you have it — until you are ...

Tatiana Denning

Mountain climber climbs up icy mountain using ice pick.

5 People Arrested in North Korean Spy Case Involving Chinese Major General Qian Weiping

Originally, officials denied that Qian Weiping’s arrest, which dates back to 2019, was related to espionage. However, the Information Center for Human Rights and Democracy based in Hong Kong confirmed rumors that five more people had been arrested in an espionage case involving a Chinese military scientist and former Major General Qian Weiping. The Hong Kong newspaper Apple Daily reported ...

Tatiana Denning

The Supreme People's Assembly Hall in North Korea.

America, the Titanic Is Sinking: Take Warning

“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” The great American Republic, the City on the Hill, and a beacon of hope for humanity like the Titanic, which was once considered unsinkable, is facing ...

Tatiana Denning

The Titanic sinking.