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The Most Important Holidays in India

Since India is a vast country with thousands of communities, several religions, and a history dating back thousands of years, it has one of the largest numbers of holidays in the world. As such, it is quite a difficult task to pick a few important holidays in India that give a good representation of the ...

Nspirement Staff

The Risks to Kids From Smartphone Usage

According to estimates, about 73 percent of teenagers in the U.S. have a smartphone, with 92 percent of them admitting to spending a good deal of their free time online every day. And as far as the problem of addiction is concerned, it is the children who seem to suffer the most from such usage. ...

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Young boy using a smartphone.

The Incredible Benefits of Classical Music

Even though the world music scene is currently dominated by modern forms like hip hop, rap, pop, and so on, there is still a niche of music lovers who would rather hear a piece by Vivaldi or Mozart. And rather than limiting itself to just being another form of entertainment, the benefits of classical music ...

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How Thailand Turned Into the Detroit of Asia

When it comes to automotive manufacturing, Thailand clearly stands out by having the largest automotive industry in the entire Southeast Asian region, thus earning the moniker “Detroit of Asia.” In 2017, Thailand made about 818,000 cars and close to 1.2 million commercial vehicles. And within the first five months of 2018, car sales in the ...

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How a Courageous Daughter Saved Her Father and Made History

To save her father, a young girl courageously wrote a petition to the Emperor 2,000 years ago. Ban Gu (A.D. 32-92), a Chinese historian and politician, wrote a poem in her praise. The courageous daughter was Chunyu Tiying of the Han Dynasty. Tiying‘s father, Chunyu Yi, rose from a humble beginning in Shandong Province, China, ...

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Chunyu Tiying.

Why Parents Should Put Strict Limits on TV Viewing

It has long been said that parents should limit how much exposure their kids have to television programs. The importance of monitoring the type of shows the kids watch has also been stressed. And the reasons for such strict control on children’s TV viewing behavior is quite simple — to ensure that they are not ...

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Why People Love Traveling to Japan

Japan received about 28.8 million tourists in 2017, becoming one of the most visited countries on Earth. The Japanese government is expecting the number to climb to 40 million tourists per year by 2020. And this begs the question — what is it about this country that attracts people from all over the world? Amazing natural ...

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A Japanese torii gate.

Paneer Butter Masala Recipe

Originating in the northern regions of India, paneer butter masala is one of the most famous dishes in the country. The combination of cream and paneer cubes (Indian cottage cheese) with aromatic spices ensures that anyone who tastes it will definitely want to eat more. And if you are looking to prepare an Indian curry ...

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Why Public Opinion on Climate Change Matters to Business

A big percentage of Americans believe that climate change will end up being disastrous for the world. According to surveys by the Pew Research Center, almost three-fourths of the U.S. population is of the opinion that storms in the country will worsen due to climate change. They also expect plant and animal life to be severely ...

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The 5 Best Jobs for Millennials

Millennials are now estimated to be one of the biggest demographics of the United States workforce. A millennial usually looks at five factors when considering whether or not to accept a job — salary, work-life balance, the stress level of the job, upward mobility, and future job prospects. Here are some of the best jobs ...

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