Viena Abdon

How to Plan Out Your DIY Travel Itinerary for Your Next Trip

In the past, most travelers would just throw together some random destinations and plan a trip around the places they wanted to see. But that’s not necessary anymore. More planning allows you to maximize your trip and experience all the amazing sights. Here’s why you need a travel itinerary. A well-planned DIY itinerary allows you ...

Viena Abdon

Map with scrabble tiles spelling "vacation planning."

Protein Powder and Its Negative Side Effects  

Protein powder is a must-have in most health and fitness programs. There are many different protein powders available — each with its unique benefits. It’s important to consider the specific type of protein powder you will use because certain products may not be designed for your goals.  Protein is essential for helping your body repair, ...

Viena Abdon

A man drinking a protein shake.

Do You Know About the 20-Sided Icosahedron Dice Used in Ancient Rome?

There’s a good chance you’ve never heard of the 20-sided icosahedron dice used in ancient Rome. But don’t worry, because you’ll learn all about them! These unique dice are shrouded in mystery and fascination. So if you’re curious about ancient Rome or just love playing dice games, read on! 20-Sided icosahedron dice defined What are ...

Viena Abdon

Ruins of the Roman Citadel.

How to Balance Mental Health Amidst the Chaos of Work and Life

Life and its daily challenges can quickly get the best of us. While nutrition and rest are essential for maintaining vitality, mental health is often underrated. In this article, you will find out why maintaining mental health is essential and how you can excel at it. From financial to workplace worries, we all face difficulties ...

Viena Abdon

A woman smelling a handful of flowers.

The Scandal of Arnold Schoenberg’s Skandalkonzert of 1913

You may have heard of mosh pits, places at concerts where fans can engage in an extreme form of dancing to express their enthusiasm for the aggressive music being performed. Critics argue that this behavior is angsty and highly risky, and it is not reminiscent of sincere love for music. Injuries are common and deaths ...

Viena Abdon

A caricature of the Skandalkonzert, with concertgoers fighting orchestra members and each other while the conductor waves his baton and police carry people out.

The History and Evolution of the Smartphone

Do you remember your first cell phone? It was probably a big, clunky thing that only made calls and maybe sent text messages. But now, you have a smartphone in your pocket. It’s something quite different from what we had in the past. They’re basically mini-computers that can do just about anything. How did we ...

Viena Abdon

The history of the smartphone.

Mental Wellness: Protective Factors that Keep You Healthy

Mental wellness is an important factor that helps you have a fulfilling life. Therefore, a focus on improving your own mental health will mean you will feel even happier. Strong psychological health is referred to as mental well-being. Becoming mentally healthy entails having an organized mind and working for your best interests. You possess the ...

Viena Abdon

An Asian man looking contented.

Pastel De Nata’s Rich and Creamy History: What’s So Special About It?

Every country has unique cuisine or food, and some make it famous. One example is the pastel de nata from Portugal. Known for its lightness, sweeter, and less eggy taste, you’ll be saying delicioso or sabroso when you taste one. So read on and get ready to indulge in some deliciousness! Humble beginnings You might ...

Viena Abdon


The Origin Story of Nokia’s Ringtone

Nokia’s ringtone may be one of the most recognized jingles in the world. It is a ringtone that transcends generations and has a touch of nostalgia connected to it. Even people who haven’t heard the tone will think it sounds familiar.  Nokia phones have a cult following, especially the Nokia 3300, which is even the ...

Viena Abdon

Man holding an old Nokia 3310 phone.

Proof of Human Ear Surgery Practiced 5,300 Years Ago

In July 2018, a discovery was made of the first human ear surgery. The skull was pieced together and found in northern Spain, showing signs of a simple operation on one of its ears. This was the oldest example of this type of ear surgery, proving that these complicated operations were practiced before the first ...

Viena Abdon

The human ear and auditory canal.