Animals, Featured

Equine Empathy: The Remarkable Connection of Horses to Human Emotions

You’ve likely heard that dogs are man’s best friend, but horses may be the most emotionally intelligent animals on the planet. Their ability to read, understand, and empathize with human emotions is unparalleled in the animal kingdom.  As prey animals, horses have evolved a keen awareness of subtle cues and moods in their environment. This ...

Viena Abdon

A woman embracing a horse's head.

What You Need to Know to Go Bat-Watching: Tips and Destinations

Bats, often misunderstood creatures of the night, are fascinating and vital ecosystem members. These nocturnal animals play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of nature by controlling insect populations and aiding in pollination. You can learn a lot about these creatures by going bat-watching. If you’re intrigued by these winged wonders and want to experience ...

Viena Abdon

A giant fruit bat, known as a flying fox.

Exploring the Mysterious Shima Enaga Bird: Is It Real or Just a Story?

In a world where extraordinary creatures share space with ordinary ones, distinguishing between what’s real and what’s not can pose a challenge. Japan’s national parks, known for their breathtaking beauty, are so enchanting that it’s easy to lose oneself. It’s within such a world that the Shima Enaga bird finds its habitat. But have you ...

Viena Abdon

The captivating Shima Enaga.

An Expert’s Top 5 Reasons Why Dogs Can Be Considered Exceptional Animals

Dogs are important to a lot of humans, but what makes them so? Apart from being warm, soft, and capable of inspiring our unconditional love, there are a number of unique characteristics that set them apart from other animals. As a dog researcher, animal behavior consultant, and canophile (which means I love dogs), let me ...

Troy Oakes

A dog laying on its back.

Dumbo Octopus: Delving into the Mysterious World of the Deep Sea

In the vast and mysterious depths of the world’s oceans lies a creature that captivates the hearts of marine enthusiasts and researchers alike — the Dumbo octopus (Grimpoteuthis). With its endearing appearance and elusive nature, this unique cephalopod has earned the title of one of the octopus family’s cutest and rarest members.  Named after the ...

Viena Abdon

A dumbo octopus.

The Legend of Old Tom: When Humans and Orcas Hunted Together

Along New South Wales’ rugged coastline in Australia lies the small coastal town of Eden. The area has one of the deepest natural harbors in the Southern Hemisphere, attracting wildlife, including baleen whales and orcas (also known as killer whales). In Eden, the story of an orca named Old Tom embodies a remarkable relationship between ...

Nathan Machoka


Wildlife-Friendly Gardening: 7 Tips for Creating a Habitat that Attracts Animals

People tend to neglect their natural surroundings in today’s fast-paced society. However, wildlife-friendly gardening provides an excellent option for reintroducing the splendor of nature into your daily life. It improves the aesthetic quality of your surroundings and serves as an essential habitat for a wide range of wildlife.  This post will review some of the ...

Viena Abdon

A chipmunk.

Exploring Sleep Patterns in Octopuses: Do They Dream Like Us?

Octopuses are not only wonderfully strange, but they are also intellectually fascinating. These boneless, shape-morphing, and color-changing creatures have fascinating features such as three hearts, pulsating veins, ink sacs to ward off predators, and an elaborate brain.  Researchers recently found yet another exciting thing about octopuses — they sleep, and maybe even dream, just like ...

Nathan Machoka

Divers swim up to a red octopus resting on a coral reef.

Unveiling Nature’s Mysteries: The Intriguing Role of White Spots in Migrating Monarch Butterflies

Imagine yourself standing in a meadow, gazing up at the sky as thousands of butterflies flutter in perfect harmony, venturing on a journey to their annual migration. Among these vibrant orange and black monarch butterflies, you might notice some with an intriguing feature: white spots adorning their wings.  These white-spotted monarchs have long fascinated researchers ...

Viena Abdon

A monarch butterfly.