Human Rights, Editor's Pick

Lu Hongen: Heroic Conductor Silenced by the Cultural Revolution (Part 1)

Lu Hongen, conductor of the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, was the first high-profile intellectual to be publicly executed during the Cultural Revolution. The day after he was killed, the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) Public Security Bureau went to his wife and said: “You have to pay 20 cents; this is the cost of the bullet that ...

Michael Segarty

Chinese conductor Lu Hongen.

A Small Town in Taiwan Famous for Its Golden Hot Spring

Jinshan is nestled on Taiwan’s North Coast, a hidden gem famous for its hot springs, particularly the unique golden hot spring. Small as it may be, this cozy town offers visitors the chance to immerse themselves in the soothing embrace of the unique natural waters of this golden hot spring while enjoying the tranquil surroundings. ...

Billy Shyu

The Hanggang Public Bath House.

7 Signs of Mentally Strong People

Weak people quickly get angry and are prone to unpredictable outbursts of anger. Strong people are usually as calm as water and relatively peaceful. A person who is not strong inside is naturally not calm inside. A person who is not quiet in his heart will be in turmoil everywhere. Even the most minor things ...

Max Lu

A woman showing determination.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and the Gulag Archipelago (Part 1)

In 1945, on the front lines of East Prussia, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, a battery commander in the Artillery Reconnaissance Division of the Soviet Red Army, returned to his bunker command post covered in gunpowder and mud following extended artillery fire. Unbeknownst to him, two Cheka personnel of the Red Army were waiting for him at the ...

Tatiana Denning

Russian writer Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.

How to Stop Being Condescending: 7 Strategies to Build Genuine Connections

Have you ever found that your remarks come across as condescending, hurting, or belittling someone when you didn’t intend them to? Relationships can be damaged, and communication can be hampered by condescension, often manifested in a condescending tone or attitude.  To promote healthy interactions and create lasting connections, you must recognize this behavior within yourself ...

Viena Abdon

The word 'condescending' in a dictionary.

A Glimpse of the Famous Horse Painter Xu Beihong’s Life (Part 2)

Born on July 19, 1895, in Yixing, Jiangsu, Xu Beihong began learning painting from his father at a young age. He later moved to Shanghai to work part-time while continuing his studies, eventually traveling to Japan and France to further cultivate his artistic abilities. The Louvre Museum in France had a profound impact on Xu ...

Mikel Davis

Horse painting by Chinese artist Xu Beihong.

A Glimpse of the Famous Horse Painter Xu Beihong’s Life (Part 1)

In the spring of 1937, as the flamboyant kapok flowers adorned the streets of Hong Kong, Professor Hui Tat-Seng, Director of the Chinese Department at the University of Hong Kong, carefully navigated the fallen blossoms, hurrying back home. As soon as Professor Hui entered his courtyard, he called out: “Beihong!” It turned out that the ...

Tatiana Denning

Self-portrait of Chinese artist Xu Beihong.

Parenting 101: Nurturing Respect and Shaping Positive Attitudes in Your Children

One of the primary goals of parents is to raise well-mannered and respectful children who treat others with kindness and consideration. However, navigating through moments of disrespect from your child can be challenging and disheartening. This article provides practical guidance on changing your children’s attitude if they disrespect you. Building strong parent-child relationships Encouraging respectful ...

Viena Abdon

A group of smiling children.

How Can You Tell if a Person Has Blessings?

Everyone hopes to have blessings in their life, not to have to worry about food and clothing, and also to be able to help people in need. But some people have a charmed life, while others have a tough one. Some people may stumble when they are young, but turn their lives around when they ...

Tatiana Denning
