History, Editor's Pick

Enforced Disappearance of Gao Zhisheng and China’s Human Rights Crisis

Prominent Chinese human rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng was once listed as being among China’s 10 best lawyers by the Ministry of Justice in 2001, but that would change as he began to take cases of people persecuted by the communist state, especially that of Falun Gong practitioners. What would follow was Gao himself being targeted ...

Rory Karsten

Lawyer Gao Zhisheng.

Establishing a Good Healthy Financial Routine: 10 Pathways to Financial Success

Managing personal finances can be daunting in today’s fast-paced world. Many individuals struggle to establish a solid financial routine that promotes financial well-being and long-term stability. However, you can achieve financial success with dedication, discipline, and strategies. Imagine a life where you have a robust emergency fund, save and invest wisely, and no longer worry ...

Viena Abdon

Money bag with the word 'investment' is balanced on a scale with a roll of US$100 bills.

National Night Out: Strengthening Communities

Tuesday, August 2, 2023, marked the 40th anniversary of National Night Out. While some may not be familiar with National Night Out, engaging with neighbors, law enforcement, first responders, local businesses, churches, and organizations is a great opportunity. The event aims to create community bonds, improve neighborhood safety, and connect law enforcement with residents to ...

Tatiana Denning

National Night Out.

The Truth About Cohabitation Before Marriage

Moving in with your significant other before marriage was considered taboo for years, and couples would be criticized or shamed. If you look at the situation now, cohabitation with a partner without getting married is deemed more acceptable. Cohabitation before marriage has become prevalent, challenging traditional beliefs and norms surrounding relationships. By sharing a living ...

Viena Abdon

Cohabitation without marriage carries several risks.

To Avoid Having Regrets, Don’t Do These 6 Things

Throughout your lifetime, you have undoubtedly had some regrets. Perhaps some regrets were significant, while some were small, and you wish you had more guidance to do better next time. The good news is history has left us ancient wisdom to help guide us. One such example of wisdom comes from Kou Zhun, a famous ...

Tatiana Denning

A stack of Chinese money.

Spanish Tapas: All You Need to Know

Trying Spanish tapas for the first time can be overwhelming because of the amazing combination of foods. However, most people who start with a little often want more. Most people try their first Spanish tapas at a Spanish event or restaurant, so it’s often hard to tell a good tapa from a bad one. This ...

Mike West

Different types of tapas.

Calm in Chaos: 12 Ways to Boost Your Patience Quotient

The constant rush of modern life and the desire for instant results has made patience a rare commodity. Frustration sets in when you can’t have what you want, leaving you feeling stuck and disheartened. Many struggle with maintaining composure and grace during challenging moments, and being impatient can be a significant roadblock to personal growth ...

Viena Abdon

Woman stressing, overthinking events alone at home.