Food, Featured

How to Bake Without Eggs: 8 DIY Egg Substitutes

Eggs are a healthy and excellent source of proteins. Not only are they low in calories and rich in proteins, vitamins, and minerals, but also there are several ways to use them. They are easy to prepare and quite affordable in most parts of the world.  They also feature in many baking recipes. Eggs help ...

Nathan Machoka

A basket of eggs.

Discovering the Spicy Allure of Indian Street Food

Indian street food differs significantly between regions and even between vendors within regions. The country’s street food leads you to something fresh and wonderful to delight your eyes and taste buds, from puchkas to kathi rolls to paan and jalebi. Want to learn more about Indian street food and how it influenced the locals’ tolerance ...

Viena Abdon

Indian street food.

Amazing Superfood: Why Black Garlic Is Becoming the New White Garlic

Garlic has been used for ages to flavor different meals, from meats and soups. It has also been used for its health benefits and medicinal purposes. The use of garlic can be dated back to ancient India, China, Greece, Rome, and Egypt.  Over time, a trending variation of white garlic has emerged, boasting robust health ...

Nathan Machoka

Black garlic.

9 Simple Ways to Stop Overeating

Overeating can pose a challenge if you’re aiming for a balanced diet. However, it’s essential to understand that the definition of overeating is subjective. What might seem excessive to you could be a modest portion to someone else. Recognizing and acknowledging overeating is the foundational step in your dieting journey. Symptoms of overeating include gas, ...

Nathan Machoka

Man holding a burger with a bite out of it.

Lupin Coffee: The Ancient, Caffeine-Free Alternative to Traditional Brews

The world has long been enamored with coffee, with over a billion consumers and approximately 2 billion cups consumed daily. Yet not everyone can indulge in the conventional coffee experience due to allergies, intolerances, or adverse reactions like palpitations, headaches, indigestion, and heartburn. Enter lupin coffee, a promising caffeine-free alternative growing in popularity for those ...

Nathan Machoka

A cup of lupin coffee.

Sip, Savor, and Soothe Your Soul: London’s Top 5 Tea Spots

London is a city full of history and tradition, and what better way to experience its charm than by indulging in the ultimate British pastime — afternoon tea? But not just any tea, but the most exquisite teapots and quaintest teahouses in the heart of London.  Suppose you are looking for a cozy spot to ...

Haidene Go

High tea.

7 of the Most Bizarre Foods in the World

Do you love adventure and exploring unique foods from different cultures worldwide? Out here, extraordinary flavors might make you question your culinary knowledge. From indigenous to exotic, familiar to unconventional, the world has evolved into a buffet of intriguing delicacies. Let’s take you on a surprisingly pleasant and odd odyssey across cultures and catch a ...

Nathan Machoka

Sannakji, fresh octopus tentacles, sprinkled with sesame seeds.

Stir-Fried Pebbles: Chinese Vendors Are Making a Dish Made of Stones

Chinese street food vendors have amused the world by creating a unique cuisine; stir-fried pebbles, also known as soudui (suck and throw). It has been dubbed “the world’s hardest food.” The delicacy is prepared by stir-frying small river pebbles with chili, oil, garlic, rosemary, and purple perilla.  The meal costs around US$2, and those who ...

Nathan Machoka

Stir-fried pebbles.

Reviving the Simple Long-Lost Art of Roasting Eggs

Roasting eggs is probably the most ancient way of cooking eggs. About 1 million years ago, when early man discovered fire, people still collected eggs from different birds before they were domesticated. With no cooking pots, the art of roasting eggs in ashes is the only near possible thing to imagine for a man who ...

Nathan Machoka

A basket of eggs.