9 Simple Ways to Stop Overeating

Man holding a burger with a bite out of it.
Recognizing and acknowledging overeating is the foundational step in your dieting journey. (Image: Oliver Sjöström via Unsplash)

Overeating can pose a challenge if you’re aiming for a balanced diet. However, it’s essential to understand that the definition of overeating is subjective. What might seem excessive to you could be a modest portion to someone else.

Recognizing and acknowledging overeating is the foundational step in your dieting journey. Symptoms of overeating include gas, heartburn, nausea, bloating, stomach pain, and acid reflux. Continual overeating can disrupt your body’s hunger regulation, lead to stomach discomfort, and over time, result in significant weight gain.

So how do you stop overeating?

Ways to stop overeating

1. Mindful eating

Mindfulness is a great general personal improvement strategy. With mindful eating, you are fully present during your meals, paying attention to your body’s fullness and hunger cues. 

Start by eating without distractions such as a TV or phone. Savor each bite, appreciating the texture and flavor of your food. This connection helps you connect with your body’s natural signals and nourish your body while preventing mindless consumption.

To avoid overeating, try eating your food without any distractions, savoring each bite.
Try eating your food without any distractions, savoring each bite. (Image: Pablo Merchán Montes via Unsplash)

2. Portion control

Managing portion sizes is pivotal in combating overeating. Remember, it’s about what’s right for you. While nutritional guidelines and food labels provide general recommendations, they’re not rigid rules. To trick your mind, use smaller plates or consider sharing a meal when dining out. If there’s too much on your plate, consider taking the leftovers home.

3. Maintain a regular eating schedule

Maintaining a consistent eating schedule can help prevent overeating. For instance, while intermittent fasting is trendy, it may cause excessive hunger later, leading to overconsumption. If this method isn’t for you, consume balanced meals and snacks at consistent intervals. This approach maintains your energy and minimizes the chance of overeating due to extreme hunger.

4. Identify your trigger foods

Processed foods often get a bad rap, but does that mean you should eliminate them entirely? Knowing your trigger foods doesn’t mean avoiding them forever. Instead of swearing off chocolates or fries forever, indulge occasionally.

Prioritize nutrient-dense foods like salmon, sweet potatoes, and berries. Foods packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants satiate you, preventing immediate cravings.

The bottom line is to limit foods high in salt, sugar, or saturated fats that are easy to overeat. 

5. Stay hydrated

Sometimes, thirst masquerades as hunger. Stay hydrated not just to prevent overeating, but also for overall well-being. Before grabbing a snack, consider drinking a glass of water.

6. Prioritize sleep

Sleep deprivation can lead to overeating. Research has shown that sleep deprivation increases the production of ghrelin (hunger hormone) while reducing leptin (fullness hormone). Be wary of late-night snacking, especially in front of the TV.

Bearded man yawning.
Research has shown that sleep deprivation increases the production of ghrelin, the ‘hunger hormone.’ (Image: 10634669 via Pixabay)

7. Incorporate healthy fats

For years, people thought that fats were the culprits behind excessive weight gain. Modern research, however, disputes this. Low-carb, high-fat diets have proven effective for weight loss. Plus, fats also make you feel full faster, which is an advantage when managing how much you eat.

8. Manage stress

Many resort to food for emotional comfort. Although avoiding stress eating is challenging, seek healthier coping mechanisms like breathing exercises, meditation, or physical activity.

9. Monitor your progress

Tracking your diet, whether through a journal or an app, enhances self-awareness and accountability. It also helps you identify your emotions, how they affect your eating habits, and which adjustments to make regarding your diet.


These simple tips can help you combat overeating and achieve a healthier dietary routine. And remember, occasionally indulging in your favorite treat is perfectly fine — progress is a journey, not a destination.

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  • Nathan Machoka

    Nathan is a writer specializing in history, sustainable living, personal growth, nature, and science. To him, information is liberating, and it can help us bridge the gap between cultures and boost empathy. When not writing, he’s reading, catching a favorite show, or weightlifting. An admitted soccer lover, he feeds his addiction by watching Arsenal FC games on weekends.