Featured, Mind & Spirit

The Rich Are Worth Just a Few Dollars More

We share 3 wisdom and insight stories to help you take another look at your life’s balance sheets to determine whether you are rich, very wealthy, or poor. You may be surprised at what you find. 1. How to know if you are really rich or poor A rich Singaporean who was known for his ...

Michael Segarty

Man holding Revenue, Balance, and Taxes binders.

People Must Be Generous

The most fulfilling life is one lived with tolerance, broad-mindedness, and a generous heart. If you don’t have these qualities, the world will be a tiny place and the road you walk will be extremely narrow. Some people are violent and angry, losing their temper over the smallest things. Others are kind-hearted, tolerant, and courteous, ...

Emma Lu

A generous heart to the rescue.

A Real Life-Changing Compliment

In the public mind, like in the fairy tales, a stepmother is usually seen as vicious, mean, and conniving, an old hag and warty, abusive of her stepchildren, scolding them for no reason, forcing them to do heavy housework, and refusing to let them receive an education. The stepmother usually gets a raw deal in fairy tales. ...

Helen London

Fairytale queen.

Why Make-Believe Play Is an Important Part of Childhood Development

Visit any preschool classroom during free play and you will likely see a child pretending to be someone else. Make-believe play is a ubiquitous part of early childhood. And beyond being fun for kids, pretending and other kinds of make-believe play are also believed by some to be critical to healthy childhood development. Research has found a ...

Jessica Kneipp

A boy chasing another boy riding a wooden horse in a field

Give Yourself a Break: The Power of Self-Compassion

As kids, you may have often found yourself being eager to “grow up” and do all the “grown-up stuff” you had seen your elder siblings or relatives do. While being an adult certainly has many perks, the downsides, though few, are more than enough to cut out the fun side. As you grow up, you ...

Raven Montmorency

Tired woman with laptop at her desk, appearing stressed by problems.

Small Stories of Big Life Lessons

Through their words and actions, parents can guide their children to maturity, teaching valuable life lessons along the way. One day, a child who was 2 years old ran into a table and got a big bump on his head. He cried loudly for a long time. His father came out of his room and walked over to the table, ...

Kathy McWilliams

A father carrying his son on his shoulders at the beach.

The Missing Tile Syndrome and the Art of Happiness

The tendency of humans to focus on slight imperfections is called the “Missing Tile Syndrome,” which is a term coined by Dennis Prager in his thought-provoking book Happiness is a Serious Problem: A Human Nature Repair Manual. Of all the barriers blocking us from leading happy lives, our own human nature stands the tallest. Even though ...

Sofia Roma

Hand-painted tiles.

How a Blooming Flower Taught a Young Monk Not to Show Off

Once, there was a homeless youth who went to a temple where he was fortunate enough to be accepted. After he had a bath and shaved his head, the young monk looked quite attractive. The temple master took care of him and taught him basic lessons. He was quite smart and diligent, and soon the master ...

David Clapp

Statues of 3 monks with a flowering plant hanging nearby.

The Miracle of Forgiveness and Its Magical Healing Power

Forgiveness has a powerful life all of its own. While in the short term you might feel a fleeting sense of pleasure in getting revenge on someone who has wronged you. You may feel that you have been hurt and wronged so badly that you never want to forgive. Think about it rationally, do you ...

Emma Lu

Forgiveness by reaching out to break the ice.