Mind & Spirit

Whether You Encounter Misfortunes or Blessings Are God’s Grace

Those situations in life that you may at first think are misfortunes, when you take a moment and look a little deeper, you will see that God’s grace encompasses all things, all events, and all situations. Look a little closer and you will find the pearls and blessings in disguise. Following an accidental shipwreck, Jimmy ...

Michael Segarty

A shipwreck.

How One Small Act of Kindness Grew to Touch the World

Captain Sir Thomas Moore (known as Captain Tom) became an international symbol of kindness, courage, and sacrifice during the dark days of 2020 and beyond. Born on April 30, 1920, Captain Tom wanted to continue a lifetime of giving at the age of 99. He decided to raise money for Britain’s National Health Service (NHS) ...

Kathy McWilliams

Sir Thomas Moore's 100th birthday cak.

Cherish Your Health by Avoiding Anger

It’s often stated that negative emotions can affect your overall health and immune system. The prolonged presence of anger, this negative emotion, if left unchecked, can threaten your health and life inadvertently. Rarely do we stop and reflect on the sinister and lethal effects of this negative emotion, anger, which makes avoiding anger a key ...

Emma Lu

An elderly man with a big smile on his face.

Hypnotism, Are You Convinced?

Maybe, like me, you have encountered a hypnotist performing live on stage, wherein the show itself was absolutely hilarious due to the participants’ performances, but at the same time, it was also intriguing. How can someone get another person to run around on stage arms akimbo, crowing like a rooster? How can someone snap their ...

Julie-anne D’Alcorn

A stage hypnotist performing hypnosis on participant.

Important Message From the Hopi Elders on Current World Events

You have been telling the people that this is the Eleventh Hour.  “Now you must go back and tell the people that this is The Hour.”  Here are the things that must be considered:  Where are you living?  What are you doing?  What are your relationships?  Are you in the right relationship?  Where is your ...

Sofia Roma

Hopi Indians gathering water from a stream.

How to Alleviate Pandemic-Induced Anxiety in Children

With the advent of COVID-19, life as we have known it has changed drastically. Not only has it turned our adult lives upside down, but the lives of our children have also been drastically impacted. No one really knows how much anxiety they are under, or how their young world is being affected. Gone are ...

Tatiana Denning

Three children at a laptop computer.

2 Heartwarming Miracles 

Miracle one: Some wilted vegetables taught me a valuable lesson One afternoon, I went for a walk with a friend in the suburbs. Suddenly, an old man dressed in tattered clothes approached, carrying a bag of green vegetables in his hand to sell. The vegetables looked poor. Many of the leaves were dehydrated, brown, and ...

Emma Lu

Two raised hands around the setting sun.

A True Story: A Righteous Man Can Escape Disaster

Mr. Wang was a kind and righteous man. He ran a hotel behind the county hall of Jiangning County, in the Province of Jiankang during the Song Dynasty. Like all good people, he was straightforward, honest, and fair in his business dealings, and so people called him Honest Wang. He also liked to help Taoist ...

Tatiana Denning

A raging fire.

The Most Powerful Health Resource You Have Is Your Mind

Your mind is very powerful. If pharmaceutical companies could bottle and sell the placebo effect, they would be many times wealthier than they already are. A placebo, commonly known as a sugar pill, is what a new drug coming to market must be measured against to determine which works better, the drug or the mind. ...

Tatiana Denning

Soil with chalk outline as persons head and fresh green plant grows from the mind.

Returning to a Child-Like Heart

“The unexamined life is not worth living.” ~ Socrates A child-like heart When I was little, I was rather shy and reserved, preferring to stay in the background and observe. While I had some friends, I was just as content to do my homework or spend long hours reading on my bed, as I was doing ...

Tatiana Denning

Adult and child holding a red heart.