Mind & Spirit

Achieving Equanimity: Know Thyself

Maintaining your state of equilibrium spiritually, mentally, and physically is crucial when it comes to living a life that measures up to your true potential. In a world that constantly throws you into a state of chaos, equanimity is the key to not just staying afloat, but also thriving in challenging situations. Essentially, equanimity is ...

Raven Montmorency

Rocks balanced atop each other.

The Feeling of Being Alone

Feeling abandoned by the world? Forgive the pun, but you’re not alone. Never has the world been so connected and lonely at the same time. Loneliness is scary, emotionally depleting, and physically dangerous for many people. If you suffer from loneliness, check out some of the tips given below to help alleviate the situation. If ...

Raven Montmorency

Young sad woman with her head on her knees.

Helping Children With Autism Deal With Face Masks

According to the U.S. CDC, almost 1 in 54 children is affected by autism. Things are already difficult for such children. The outbreak of COVID-19 is making life even tougher. Many children who suffer from autism reject face masks due to their being uncomfortable. Parents will have to find ways to coax their autistic children ...

Raven Montmorency

Girl wearing a face mask.

How to Talk to Children About Death

Death is the inevitable end of all life. No one escapes it. As adults, most of us have come to terms with this reality and the limits of our mortality. But what about kids? What if their beloved grandpa or pet dies and they are unable to process the concept of death? Being an adult, ...

Raven Montmorency

An overgrown cemetary.

5 Experiments That Showcase the Power of Mind Over Matter

For a long time, science has advocated that matter is supreme and that the mind is only a product of matter. This is in complete contrast to ancient spiritual traditions that proposed the supremacy of mind over matter. In recent times, various experiments have been conducted to solve this dilemma and some of them indicate ...

Raven Montmorency

Water dripping into a still pool.

Why Belief in God Is Crucial for a Just Government

A belief in God lays the moral foundation for men — to live, to prosper, to raise a family, and also to lead a nation. There are lots of discussions being conducted nowadays on the nature of morality — how it varies from individual to nation to circumstance and how subjective it is. To a ...

Armin Auctor

Clouds in the heavens.

Practice Makes Perfect

Regardless of your area of expertise, there is always room for improvement. This is especially true if you’re a professional in the performing arts. It’s nearly impossible to be happy with constant rehearsals. There are bound to be days when you’re not at 100 percent or maybe not even at 50 percent. On those days, ...

Jessica Kneipp

A violin bow lying on sheet music.

Why Communism in China and Belief in the Divine Can’t Co-Exist

Officially, there are five religions recognized by the government of China — Buddhism, Taoism, Protestantism, Catholicism, and Islam. However, China is a communist country that propagates a militant atheist ideology. The country makes for a good case study as to why communism and belief in the divine can’t actually coexist. State institutions   Christianity has ...

Max Lu

Three monks meditating.

The Many Incarnations of Courage

Making the decision to live, in itself, can be an act of courage. There are many dimensions to this concept. “Courage is not the absence of fear. Courageous people do feel fear, but they are able to manage and overcome their fear so that it does not stop them from taking action.” (skillsyouneed.com) How different ...

Raven Montmorency

A man walking in the woods.