Relationships, Featured

When Your Relationship Isn’t What You Want

There are times in every relationship when things get tough. Are you wondering if your relationship is worth saving? If so, you’re not alone. A lot of people find themselves in this situation. The good news is that there are a few things you can do to help you decide whether or not your relationship ...

Emma Lu

Man sits across the table from his crying partner at a restaurant.

Children’s Blessings Are Related to Their Parents!

As the Chinese saying goes: “I hope my son will become a dragon and my daughter will become a phoenix.” Throughout history, the greatest hope of parents is that their children will become talented and blessed. Actually, children’s blessings are all related to their parents. Your every word and deed is the luck and cultivation ...

Helen London

Asian girl using a computer in the classroom.

Love for Family Marks the Foundation of Civilization

There have been enough disputes on the sensitive topic of people loving their own children more than other kids. A number of psychologists and educators have cautioned against this type of family love, saying it paves the way for the growth of favoritism and selfishness in the social fabric. University of London’s senior lecturer in ...

Raven Montmorency

Family of mom, dad, and child drawn in chalk on black slate as symbol of family love and respect for family members.

How Do You Know Who the Most Important Person in Your Life Is?

People pay importance to different people in their lives and if you ask a question about who the most important person in their life is, you will get different answers from different people. Some may say they think their parents are most important while for others, their spouse is the most important person. Then there ...

Raven Montmorency

Older husband and wife at a laptop.

5 Ways to Back Away From the Relentless Grip of Parental Guilt

Have you ever heard of “parental guilt”? Maybe you haven’t, but most parents will know the emotion. As parents, there is a deep desire to fulfill the role of parenting for one’s own sake as a parent and before all, for the future sake of the child. There is no playbook for good parenting, however. ...

Katrina Hicks

Little girl in conversation with her parents outdoors.

Unconditional Love, Along With Discipline, Produces Children of Gratitude

“Young people today are so ungrateful!” is a statement heard throughout society today. The question we all should be asking ourselves is why are we producing children who show no gratitude? It is easy to look outside ourselves and place blame on others, but how often do we look at ourselves as parents and adults ...

Monica Song

Happy family playing together.

Breakups Create Stress, but Positively Reshape Your Life

A breakup can be defined as a disruption, dissolution of connection, or separation of a mass into parts. Although breakups are often associated with relationship breakdowns, other examples include friendship breakups and the loss of a job. Breakups can have a dramatic impact on our bodies as well as our emotional state. Broken heart syndrome ...

Katrina Hicks

Young couple with relationship problems, standing on a beach with arms crossed facing away from each other.

Doing Something Nice for a Woman Doesn’t Make You a ‘Simp’

You must have heard the term ‘simp’ as this has become quite popular in popular culture. There are different connotations of the word. In the general dictionary, it is defined as “A man who puts himself in a submissive position under women hoping to win them over, without the women bringing anything to the table.” ...

Armin Auctor

Miltary husband hugging wife.

3 Key Principles All Relationships Need to Survive

There are many stories on the Internet that will tell you why your relationships are no good or how to meet your soul mate — this is not one of them. This is a story about what three things all relationships need, whether it’s a marriage, the relationships with your children, or friendships. Without these things, ...

Troy Oakes

Young man giving his girlfriend a piggyback ride on an autumn day.

7 Ways to Tell If a Friend Is Trustworthy

As the saying goes: “Rely on parents at home and friends when going out.”  Good friends have many positive effects on you, but identifying good friends is a life lesson. So how can you tell who is a trustworthy friend?  7 small ways to tell if a friend is trustworthy 1. Eyes  If a person ...

Raven Montmorency

Two men shake hands while a group of people stand and watch.