Mind & Spirit, Featured

The Myth of Sisyphus Decoded

In Greek mythology, Sisyphus was the son of King Aeolus of Thessaly and Enarete. He was the founder and the first king of Ephyra (the glorious city of Corinth). The various and multiple accounts of this story, called the Myth of Sisyphus, portray him as being a cunning and selfish ruler who mocked and killed travelers and guests, mistreated women, ...

Sofia Roma

A statue of Sisyphus at the Acropolis in Greece.

Who Is the ‘Oriental Saint’? The Answer Can Be Found in Western Prophecy

Prophecies worldwide — from the distant past up to modern times — have been receiving exponentially more attention, and this was especially true in 2020 with the global situation of the raging coronavirus pandemic being so severe. Many of these prophecies have said that in our time, a saint will arise in the East.  If the prophecies made by ...

Helen London

A man stands on top of a mountain and a beam of light appears to shoot out from his head up into the heavens.

The Darkness Before Dawn: Are the Prophecies of Disaster Imminent? 

According to the many legends and prophecies of disaster inflicting nations, peoples, and religions all over the world, human beings will face evil forces, darkness, tribulations, severe challenges, and experience devastating disasters at a certain period of time in the future. At that critical time, also known as The Last Days, and just as humanity ...

Michael Segarty

Desolation in the desert.

6 Tips to Make the Year of the Ox a Lucky Year

February 12, 2021, in the lunar calendar, begins the Year of the Ox. What is the outlook for this year? We share 6 tips to make this a propitious and lucky year. Enthusiasm is contagious. Positive energy evokes positive attitudes. Success belongs to those who radiate positive energy and believe that they are a success. ...

Emma Lu

Peach blossoms are considered lucky for those born in the Year of the Ox.

Celestial Protection During a Deadly Plague

Since ancient times, when traditional values and morals have extensively degenerated and collapsed, a deadly plague would invariably strike out across the land. As a result, whenever this happens in any part of the world, many people become ill and perish. It is therefore not surprising that humans are frightened of deadly plagues. What is ...

Michael Segarty

A messenger from Heaven.

Integrity Brings Wealth and Blessings

Regardless of what culture or race we belong to, integrity has the highest value. A friend of mine brought US$15,500 (100,000 yuan) to Shenzhen to take over a business laying floor tiles. After the contract was signed, the selling party from Shantou knew that it would be a loss-making deal. So the boss from Shantou ...

Helen London

Floor tiles.

How One Sincere Heart of Kindness Averted Complete Disaster!

There is a village in northern India called Geyima Village that was saved from disaster by one heart of kindness. The land there is harsh and barren. The people live in poverty and the struggle to harvest enough food is an ongoing challenge. The villagers struggled very hard, yet find it difficult to make ends ...

Michael Segarty

A village in India.

Teaching Children How to Be Kind to Family Members and Others

As parents, not only are you constantly trying to impart and teach your children core life values and lessons, but you are also teaching them how to be kind, along with the golden rules for good behavior. In providing children with life skills and lessons, the development of emotional intelligence is often overlooked. Children naturally ...

Emma Lu

A mother and daughter packing lunch together.

The Angel’s Misjudgement

Can angels get it wrong? One day, a blind man was crossing the street with his guide dog when a large truck lost control and hit him, killing him on the spot, and also killing his faithful guide dog that was trying to protect his master. The blind man and the dog arrived at the ...

Emma Lu

Angels in Heaven.