
Maestro Playing Classical Symphonies on the Streets of Melbourne

An elderly woman has been bringing joy to the streets of Melbourne for the past several years. Now 84 years of age, Natalie Trayling is a classically trained maestro who feels that the open public platform is where she can best express her talent. The maestro pianist Natalie has lived a harsh life. She has ...

Raven Montmorency

An 84-year-old maestro.

Wife’s Tantrum Results in Loss of Job and Face for Police Chief

In China, a police chief was fired from his job after his wife threw a tantrum in public — a road rage incident. The woman apparently has a history of bad driving and has been charged with 29 traffic offenses since March 2016. The incident Tong Xiaohua was a police chief in southwest China. His ...

Max Lu

A woman in high-heeled shoes.

‘A Taste of Taiwan II’: Timelapse With Love

Photographers Henrik Matzen and Jonas Hoholt have released the hyper-lapse film A Taste of Taiwan II, and it’s even more vibrant than the first. Their love of Taiwan — the heart of Asia — is obvious; whether it’s scenes of nature or cityscape, the pair capture the spirit of Taiwan beautifully. “A Taste of Taiwan II ...

Raven Montmorency

Clouds hanging over Cingjing farm.

Made in China Wonders: Incredible Mechanical Kites

Imagine a kite whose parts move about while in the sky. Such kites exist in China. These mechanical kites are created by 81-year-old Zhang Tianwei, a famous artisan from Xi’an. Mechanical kites Zhang comes from a family of kite makers. Since he grew up in an environment where kites were always discussed, Zhang naturally leaned ...

Emma Lu

A mechanical kite shaped like a hawk.

Chance Encounters: When a Chinese Artist Met Australian Aboriginals

Zhou Xiaoping is a renowned Chinese-Australian artist. For the past 30 years, he has been working closely with the Australian Aboriginals and their communities in Australia and developing new styles of art while showcasing to the world the rich cultural heritage of its oldest native population. Valuing Aboriginal art Xiaoping was a traditional Chinese painter ...

Raven Montmorency

An Australian Aboriginal.

The Yellow Indian Ayurvedic Spice With Tremendous Health Benefits

Turmeric, known scientifically as Curcuma longa, is one of the most praised spices in the traditional Indian Ayurvedic system. Referred to as the “golden spice,” turmeric is seen as an excellent solution to remove toxins from the body. Sayan, a commentator of the Hindu holy book Veda, has stated that the spice has the ability ...

Armin Auctor

A bottle of turmeric powder.

The Way of Confucius: Teaching Morals to Children in Today’s Society

Cartoons these days largely focus on superheroes saving the world from villains. While the typical good vs. bad story archetype is inherent in these animated shows, moral teachings seem to be lacking somewhat. If you want your children to watch a cartoon that teaches them moral lessons, then the Heavenkid animated program may be suitable ...

Helen London

Characters from 'Heavenkid.'

Hong Kong Protests: The Beloved Celebrities and Where They Stand

The Hong Kong protests have split the celebrities of the city in two. While one group is trying to play it safe by backing Beijing’s “One China” rhetoric or simply keeping quiet, the other camp is openly supporting the protesters and has strongly criticized the Chinese Communist Party for its crackdown on freedom-loving Hongkongers. Allying ...

Max Lu

Protesters in Hong Kong.