Sustainable Living

Life Issues: What Do You Do When You Hate Your Job?

Not everyone gets to work in a job they love. Most people will have no option but to get on with their existing job in order to earn a monthly salary. Some people hate their job so much that they are unable to do it to their full abilities and frequently underperform, thereby hurting their ...

Armin Auctor

I Hate My Job sign.

Ancient Culture: Flower Arranging Across the World

Flower arranging is one of the oldest decorative art forms. And China has a pretty rich history in this field, with the earliest records of arrangements seen around 207 BCE to 220 CE during the Han era. The culture Practitioners of Taoism, Buddhism, and Confucianism played an important role in the development of flower arrangement ...

Raven Montmorency

A flower arrangement including sunflowers.

Music Therapy: Why You Need to Know Your Didgeridoo

The idea that music can improve the health of human beings has been around for a very long time and is known to have existed in Greek and Native American traditions. The scientific development of the past century has allowed researchers to study the effect of music on people in great detail. As a consequence, ...

Raven Montmorency

Music therapy.

Crying on Behalf of Others

It is a local custom of Yangzhou to have women cry beside the coffin during a funeral. Many local offspring would hire elderly women to cry at a funeral. One elderly woman was hired to act crying. While she was tired of doing it after a long time, she cried: “What is this to do with me?” ...

Nspirement Staff

Women paid to cry at a funeral.

The Power of Positive Media

There is a slew of studies and information conducted out there about how the media has played a negative role in our contemporary lives. But could the media be an influential force in shaping our society for the better? Researchers in the field of media psychology have delved into that question recently and found that the media ...

Armin Auctor

A scene from the movie 'Forrest Gump.'

Echo of Things Chinese

An amiable and outgoing character, Yongsong Huang’s youthful appearance belies his age of over 70 years. Huang himself is not only the founder, but also the chief planner and art director of Echo of Things Chinese, a Taiwan-based magazine devoted to collecting and preserving traditional Chinese folk culture and crafts. Though he has spent 44 ...

Emma Lu

'Echo of Things Chinese.'

In the Nick of Time: Stephan Caras

Through a series of twists and turns currently being documented for an upcoming film titled Badass Beauty Queen, the Story of Anastasia Lin, Anastasia and her supporters discovered that a pre-approved visa was not required for Canadians visiting Sanya, as it is a tourist area. So at the last moment, Anastasia packed her crown and ...

Nspirement Staff

Anastasia Lin.

Foods as Medicine: 12 Ingredients for Better Health

You can strengthen your immune system and maintain your health with good habits and a nutritious diet — e.g., better food, reducing your reliance on medication, and understanding foods as medicine. 12 beneficial foods that act as medicine 1. Bitter gourd (bitter melon): Hypoglycemic for the blood Bitter gourd, also known as bitter melon, can ...

Raven Montmorency

Bitter melon.

Night Sky Petunias: Find a Universe Inside a Flower

Ever wondered what the universe would look like in the palm of your hand? Grab a Night Sky Petunia and you’ll know exactly how that feels. One of the most beautiful flowers in the world, the colors and patterns on these petunias are guaranteed to mesmerize. The Night Sky Petunia The look of this hybrid ...

Raven Montmorency

Night Sky Petunias in bloom.

Urban Trees Found to Improve Mental and General Health

People living in urban areas have a lower risk of developing psychological distress and better overall health if they have more trees within a walkable distance from their homes, an Australian study by University of Wollongong (UOW) researchers has found. In neighborhoods with a tree canopy of 30 percent or more, adults had 31 percent ...

Troy Oakes

Urban trees.