
There Is No Such Thing as Organic Bamboo Clothing

While fabrics marketed as organic bamboo clothing are gaining popularity worldwide, it turns out that no organic bamboo textiles have actually been certified. Behind the apparent fraud is the Chinese industry giant Tenbro. The amount of “organic” bamboo fabric Tenbro exports annually is 20 times greater than the amount of American-produced organic cotton exported annually. ...

Raven Montmorency

A grove of bamboo.

Chinese Medicine for Athletes and Weekend Warriors

Chinese medicine for athletes can be very effective because one of the strongest areas of Chinese medicine is that of trauma remedies: treating the cuts, bruises, lacerations, sprained joints, and pain that can pop up unexpectedly, especially while an athlete is in training. Traditional Chinese medicine is the oldest continually practiced health care system in ...

Emma Lu

back of mans legs on road jogging

2 Uplifting Stories

There are lessons to be learned from these two uplifting stories. The traveler A traveler saw an old woman standing beside a rain-swollen creek after a heavy downpour. She seemed worried and reluctant to cross. The traveler walked over and kindheartedly asked the woman: “Do you want me to carry you on my back and ...

Armin Auctor

Healthy Aging: From the Traditional Chinese Medicine Perspective

An illustration from a classic text of Confucian filial piety shows a son amusing his elderly parents by pretending to be a child. Aging is natural, and healthy aging is achievable. Although the risk of disease and disability clearly increases with advancing age, poor health is not an inevitable consequence of aging. Many of the ...

Emma Lu

healthy ageing according to traditional chinese medicine black and white photo of old lady with white hair looking at a baby

Saving Green Bucks With Effortless DIY Auto Maintenance

Is it time for you to look into DIY auto maintenance? Whether it’s a head gasket, a bad tail light, worn brakes, or a slow tire puncture, there is nothing like the vulnerability of visiting an auto repair shop or calling on a mechanic to resolve your car’s problems. Sometimes, less reputable mechanics may sense ...

Armin Auctor

A car engine.

Handy Household Tips

Life is full of simple, practical wonders. Learn and use these household tips, and you’ll be a household guru. When scalded, sprinkle sugar on the wound. It works much faster than any burn ointment. It absorbs heat right away and, even better, it leaves no scars. When you want to crack an egg, shake it ...

Raven Montmorency

bright kitchen with marble bench tops and lots of natural light

10 Warnings From Chinese Philosophy to Guide Modern Life

With the fast pace of modern society, every aspect of the environment seems to be getting more complex. People feel overwhelmed and don’t always know how to cope with things in daily life. As the old saying goes: “What goes up must come down.” There is a limit for everything. Maybe it’s time to get ...

Emma Lu

Chinese bowl and bottle with picture of fish.

A Herbal Treatment for Back Pain

Eucommia bark (Du Zhong) is used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat back pain and leg pain. It is also one of the 50 fundamental herbs used in Chinese herbology. According to Chinese legend, a very poor man named Du Zhong relied on cutting firewood for a living. Sometimes he suffered from pain in the ...

Emma Lu

black and white photo of woman massaging a back

Acupuncture Can Aid in the Care of Breast Cancer

Patients diagnosed with breast cancer often suffer from stress generated by the diagnostic procedures. They face decisions about treatment options and the impact the diagnosis will have on their professional and personal lives. The stress can generate multiple biological changes that will cause physical and emotional systemic dysfunction. Furthermore, surgeries, chemotherapies, and radiotherapies are standard ...

Nspirement Staff

Earthing: Our Vital Connection to the Earth

A special sleeping bag — called an “earthing” bag — could help Tour de France riders sleep soundly, heal road rash and tendinitis, and feel vitality and high morale during the grueling days of the race. The discovery of how to use the Earth’s energy for healing can benefit everyone, just as the energy has ...

Armin Auctor

feet on sand in clear ocean water