Relationships, Editor's Pick

The Nature of Jealousy and How to Overcome It

Jealousy is a powerful emotion with a deep-rooted presence in human behavior. It is a natural reaction stemming from fear of loss, be it in affection or attention. Jealousy may be normal, but it’s a negative emotion that eats you from within — leading to feelings of inadequacy and emotional stress.  In this article, we ...

Nathan Machoka


Creative Family Activities: Clever Ways to Have Fun With Everyone

Are you tired of family time being spent around the TV all day? Well, there are a lot of other family activities that you can try to maximize the fun while embracing the bond between everybody. Find out some of the most creative ways to have fun with your family. Finding things to do with ...

Mike West

Asian family rollerblading together.

7 Effective Ways to Encourage Honesty in Your Children

It’s adorable when children come up with tall tales and pretend games. Imagining and coming up with stories is essential to your child’s growth and creativity, especially for children under 4. But while it’s advisable to encourage pretend play, it’s equally vital to promote honesty. Honesty forms the foundation of integrity, trust, and relationships. So ...

Nathan Machoka

A group of smiling children.

Why Bed-Sharing Can Do More Harm Than Good

To bed-share or not to bed-share? That is the question on every parent’s mind regarding bed-sharing, a sleeping arrangement in which parents and young children share a bed.  Also known as co-sleeping, children often sleep alongside their parents as they are growing up. Many families believe bed-sharing is a great way to spend time together, ...

Haidene Go

Bed-sharing with a child.

A Stoic Wife Succeeds in Winning Back Her Husband’s Heart

The wife of a government official in Changzhou found herself out of favor with her husband, and the couple was struggling to get along and maintain the harmony they once experienced. She became depressed and heartbroken. One day, a nun from a local temple visited the village. The wife asked the nun for advice on ...

Emma Lu

Close up of child's cupped hands holding a red heart.

The Positive Benefits of Marriage in a Man’s Life

Marriage is a profound institution that holds the potential to shape one’s life. While the benefits of marriage extend to both men and women, most of the time, only the women’s perspectives are highlighted. Hence, in this article, we will focus on the positive impact marriage can bring to a man’s life. From personal growth ...

Viena Abdon

Two wedding bands.

The Art of Emotional Intelligence: 10 Signs of High EQ and Low EQ

In a world where IQ (Intelligence Quotient) often takes center stage, EQ (Emotional Quotient), or emotional intelligence, has gradually become recognized for its crucial role in shaping our relationships, work, and overall well-being. Emotional intelligence is not just about recognizing your own emotions, but also understanding others’ feelings and harnessing this awareness to manage your ...

Mikel Davis

Closeup of a young caucasian male showing a label-shaped chalkboard with the text 'emotional intelligence' written on it.

9 Recommendations for Dealing With Rude People: Keeping It Kind

There will always be rude people in your life who are hard to interact with. It doesn’t matter if they are a stranger in the market, your roommate, or a colleague; someone will always get on your nerves.  Talking back is easy. However, how you respond to such behavior reveals a great deal about your ...

Viena Abdon

Being rude vs. being polite.

Why Cutting People Off Isn’t Setting Boundaries

A “toxic person” can be encountered at work, at school, or even at home, and people may have different ways of setting boundaries. Toxicity creates conflict and problems, perhaps the reason for many burnout and emotional struggles in life.  Suppose someone shows manipulative behavior towards you in any way possible. In that case, they shouldn’t ...

Viena Abdon

An angry person.