Relationships, Featured

How Belief Transformed an Unattractive Girl Into a Beauty

Belief is the most powerful mind-molding emotion there is. It is so powerful that it can transform lives. The following story illustrates the transformational power of belief and how it turned one unique girl’s life upside down.  Once upon a time, two brothers, Ah-Mian and Ah-Quan, had reached marriageable age. However, they found no girl ...

Hermann Rohr

Closeup shot of a cherry blossom in bloom.

Father’s Day: Everything You Need to Know

Many cultures celebrate Father’s Day to honor fathers and other male parents. Typically, it is celebrated on the third Sunday of June; however, this date varies by nation. Find out where the celebration of Father’s Day began and the traditions and ways to celebrate it. About Father’s Day Fathers and the father figures in their ...

Viena Abdon

Celebrating Father's Day.

10 Parental Tips to Motivate Children’s Learning

As children go through their academic classes, they are expected to take on additional learning responsibilities regarding assignments and homework submissions.  Some youngsters have an innate desire that allows them to complete complex assignments within set timeframes; nevertheless, some others may have difficulty doing their activities, which hinders their progress in education.  Although parents must ...

Viena Abdon

Children doing schoolwork.

Her Fiancé Develops Mental Illness: What Should the Bride-to-Be Do?

This story took place during the Qing Dynasty. There was a family surnamed Du, consisting of a mother and her son, since the father had passed away. The son was engaged to marry a girl from the Fu family. Just before the wedding, the son of the Du family suddenly developed mental illness. The mother ...

Emma Lu

Chinese wedding bracelets.

Why a Healthy Marriage Matters for Children

A healthy marriage isn’t just for mom and dad; it’s also for the children of the relationship. Having a healthy wedding benefits everyone in the family. For example, when parents split up, this could hurt children. But on the other hand, if parents stay together, this could positively impact children. Please read our article to ...

Mike West

Asian family rollerblading together.

Why Reading to Children Is Important

Reading to children isn’t just a pastime or a spontaneous activity. It has many benefits for your child’s development. Find out why it’s so important to read to your children. While most parents read to their children when young, not many realize why keeping this practice up is essential as they age. The top reasons ...

Mike West

A girl reading a book.

The Story of Memory Bears Made From Grandpa’s Flannels

Losing a loved one can be challenging, especially for young children, so finding creative ways to comfort them is essential. But of course, everyone has a different way of dealing with grief, especially children. This is why grownups can look for creative things like “memory bears” to help accompany them through troubling times. Find out ...

Mike West

Memory bears are made from materials from a recently diseased individual.