Sustainable Living

Just Gone Viral: An Eco-Friendly Laundry Detergent Recipe

Laundry detergents often contain chemicals that can be harmful to you and your family. Why use them when you can create an eco-friendly cleaning solution that is safe? One such eco-friendly laundry detergent recipe that was uploaded to Facebook in September has gone viral with more than 11,000 likes and 14,000 shares. Eco-friendly laundry detergent ...

Raven Montmorency

A large container of laundry detergent.

3 Reasons Why Now Is the Best Time to Be Alive

There are some who might say that the old times were better. While that can be seen as an idealistic viewpoint, it cannot be accepted as truth. Anyone who objectively looks at history will understand that the modern era is the best time to be alive, offering better opportunities than in the past. Elon Musk ...

Armin Auctor

Internet apps and social media.

Life in Order: The 3 Types of Rest You Need to Take

People spend most of their day engaged in activities that drain them physically and mentally. Over time, this can lead to burnout where the person starts feeling tired all the time and may get depressed. Your body and mind need rest at appropriate intervals or you will end up inviting numerous kinds of trouble. 3 ...

Raven Montmorency

A man contemplating.

Parenting: Paying for College

According to the Student Loan Marketing Association, American families spent around US$26,226 on their kid’s college education in 2018-19. Around 79 percent of the parents in the study were willing to stretch themselves financially in order to fund the education of their children. Helping out with college “Few of today’s students can go to school ...

Raven Montmorency

Oregon University.

Taxes Here and Taxes There: No Escaping for Americans Living Overseas

The United States is one of the few countries in the world to practice a taxation system based on citizenship rather than residency. As a consequence, American citizens living abroad will have to pay taxes on their worldwide income even though they are not living and earning money in the U.S. For Europeans with U.S. ...

Jack Roberts

Filling out a tax return.

For Action Takers: Sustainable Living Starts at Home

Modern thought has a tendency to classify anything old as useless and defunct. This has unfortunately led to us blindly neglecting the wisdom of our grandparents and ancestors who may still have something to teach us about how to lead a peaceful life. When it comes to sustainable living, some of the simple practices that ...

Raven Montmorency

Old couple ceramic figurines sitting at a table.

The Oldest Living People on Earth

Staff at the Abu Dhabi Airport were in for a surprise recently. A man from India was waiting to check in at immigration. When they took a look at his passport, they were stunned, as it indicated the individual was 123 years old. If indeed true, this would make him the oldest living human on ...

Armin Auctor

120-year-old Sivananda.

Over a Million People in Beijing Live Below the City

More than 1 million people in the Chinese capital of Beijing today live in an underground city. This was built as a bomb shelter during the Cold War era. At that time, the Chinese government was worried that Russians might start dropping bombs. As a consequence, Beijing built several underground shelters as a last resort ...

Max Lu

Derinkuyu underground city.

Berlin Acting Against Gentrification: Good or Bad?

In the face of a series of rent hikes that have made living difficult for many renters in Berlin, the local government is planning to place a 5-year ban on raising rent in the city. The proposed solution is expected to halt gentrification in a city that has a population of about 3.7 million people. ...

Jack Roberts

Berlin is against gentrification.

How Do We Process Wood for Lumber?

We often take the wood we use to build with for granted. We don’t have to cut down trees or process it — we can drive to our local hardware store or lumber yard and purchase the lengths and widths we need. How does wood make it from the forest to the lumber yard or ...

Megan Nichols

Pine forest with fog.