Featured, Health

Longans: A Simple Fruit That Can Help Treat Insomnia

Longans are a wonderful and delicious fruit that can be used as a remedy for many health issues. People usually only eat them as a snack and often don’t know their valuable health benefits. Sometimes called a berry and sometimes called a nut, longans are actually neither. Instead, they are a fruit related to the lychee. They grow in ...

Emma Lu

Bunches of longans.

The Little-Known Health Benefits of Chestnuts

Starchy, sweet, rich in flavor, chestnuts are popular edible nuts of the northern hemisphere origin. The nuts are native to the mountainous forests of China, Japan, Europe, and North America. The fruit is quite larger compared to other tree nuts such as cashews and macadamias. Each nut features a smooth, glossy, dark-brown outer shell, 1-1.5 ...

Raven Montmorency

Chestnuts in a bowl and on a table.

11 Incredible Benefits of Peanuts

No matter your age or weight, the benefits of peanuts are many and can play an important role in all kinds of diets. Whether they help you lose weight, enhance the nutritional quality of your diet, or prevent the onset of disease, the benefits of peanuts for everyone are great. Even those who are malnourished can ...

Raven Montmorency

Peanuts in the shell.

Food and Drinks for Joint Pain

Joints form the connections between bones. They provide support and help you move. Any damage to the joints from disease or injury can interfere with your movement and cause considerable joint pain. Cause of joint pain Joint pain is extremely common, especially as you age. In one national survey, about one-third of adults reported having joint ...

Emma Lu

Elderly man with knee pain.

7 Symptoms of Dehydration

It is important to recognize the symptoms of dehydration. In summer, dehydration can be a major problem. Not only water, but also important electrolytes such as sodium and potassium, may be lost from the body and it becomes essential to replace them. The dangers of dehydration  The main reason why people need to rehydrate when ...

Helen London

Close up of a glass of water being offered to someone by a child outdoors.

Garlic: 8 Natural Remedies

Garlic is one of the most popular condiments in making delicious dishes, and it is a good source of nutrients. But did you know that it is also an excellent natural treatment for ailments?  Try these 8 natural remedies for garlic 1. Relieve headaches  Many people suffer from headaches due to long working hours and stress. ...

Raven Montmorency

Cloves of garlic sitting on a wooden surface.

The Benefits of Eating Eggs Daily

What, if any, are the drawbacks or benefits of eating eggs? An egg is considered to be one of the most nutritionally complete foods. It is known as the “Complete Protein Model” by nutritionists. For many years, Western nutritionists believed that eating eggs was bad for patients with high cholesterol. But that no longer seems ...

Helen London

A basket of brown eggs.

The Age of Scurvy

In a time of warring empires and transoceanic voyages, sailors dreaded scurvy more than any other disease. Citrus fruit is packed with ascorbic acid, which is a water-soluble vitamin C that prevents illness. Not eating a nutritionally balanced diet that has little or no vitamin C can make a person develop the symptoms of scurvy. ...

Trisha Haddock

various citrus fruits.

7 Best Foods for Brain Health

What are the best foods for brain health? There’s an enormous amount of health and nutritional advice out there — on TV, in magazines, and online. Among all these sources, there are a lot of conflicting opinions and false statements. No matter what opinion you listen to, one thing stands true for all of them. Eating ...

Sheridan Genrich

An avocado cut in half.

Try These Chinese Remedies for Stomach Problems

There are many causes of an upset stomach. The most common causes include indigestion, stomach ulcers, wind or gas, gastroenteritis, migraines, and menstruation. The Chinese have a number of remedies for stomach problems. When suffering from gastro, it’s best to stay away from food for a couple of days, and give your stomach a chance ...

Emma Lu

An Asian woman with an upset stomach.