Featured, Health

Massage Your Fingers and Hands for Minor Illnesses

There are many meridians connected to the whole body. Six of them circulate in the hands and are closely connected with the viscera, tissues, and organs of the body. Thus, you don’t need to take medicine for minor illnesses when it is possible for you to massage your fingers and hands to improve their symptoms. ...

Helen London

Young female Asian model wearing a fashionable and elegant sweater standing in front of a pink background rubbing her hand with a look of suffering on her face.

Overweight Women More Prone to Being Wealthy, Educated, and Urban

An international study of 55 countries has shown a marked increase in the number of overweight women globally, with wealthy, educated, and urban women heavier than their counterparts. Ph.D. candidate Md. Mehedi Hasan from The University of Queensland’s Institute for Social Science Research (ISSR) said the number of overweight women increased in 50 countries from 1990 to 2018, while ...

Troy Oakes

Repairing Hearts With Deadly Spider Venom

A potential life-saving treatment for heart attack victims has been discovered from a very unlikely source — the venom of one of the world’s deadliest spiders. A drug candidate developed from a molecule found in the deadly spider venom of the Fraser Island (K’gari) funnel-web spider can prevent damage caused by a heart attack and ...

Troy Oakes

A Fraser Island funnel-web spider.

Natural Ways to Overcome Reflux

About 20 percent of the population experience reflux. So the likelihood that you experience or know someone with reflux is pretty high. Here are some of the things you need to know about reflux and what you can do to overcome it, naturally.  Reflux is sometimes called GERD (gastrointestinal reflux disease), acid reflux, or heartburn. You ...

Sheridan Genrich

A lady experiencing reflux.

Do You Know the Benefits of Balsam Pears?

Did you know that balsam pears can do magic? Balsam pears are more commonly known as bitter melons or bitter gourds. They have some medical uses that are really worth knowing. Recent studies have shown that these pears are extremely beneficial for our health and well-being. Improving appetite and digestion Research shows that balsam pears can improve ...

Kathy McWilliams

Slices of bitter melon, also known as balsam pear or bitter gourd, sitting on a cutting board.

5 Health Benefits of Hot Chilies

For spicy food lovers, hot chilies go very well with rice. Besides the flavor, there are many health benefits of eating them. They wake up the taste buds and also provide important nutrients. Hot chilies contain Vitamin C and are rich in capsaicin in their seeds and skin. They can boost the immune system, promote ...

David Jirard

Beautiful red hot chili peppers growing in a pot.

Children’s Mental Health: Time to Step Back From Techno

Children’s mental health in the UK was discussed in the May 2021 issue of The Children’s Society. They were able to evaluate the statistics, and although the exact number of children currently suffering from mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression, remains unknown, it has been found that one in 6 children aged between ...

Katrina Hicks

A child's eyes.

7 Reasons Not to Pick Your Nose: No.1, It’s Dangerous!

Picking your nose first and foremost, in a social situation, is pretty gross — most will agree. Secondly, it is unhygienic and could be dangerous. So do not pick your nose, and reach for a tissue instead. Seven reasons to quit the habit of picking your nose 1. Picking your nose is potentially dangerous for ...

Armin Auctor

A man picking his nose.

Eating Kelp to Help Prevent the ‘Three Highs’

Eating kelp can help lower the “three highs.” The three highs in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) are high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and high blood sugar. These are three common ailments for people after middle age, also known as metabolic syndrome. You already know to eat your daily servings of vegetables, but when was the ...

Helen London

A dish of kelp.

Your Natural Lip Color Reflects Your Health Status

Your eyes are the windows to your soul, but did you know that in traditional Chinese medicine, your mouth is the window to your health? Your natural lip color, in particular, can tell you about what is going on inside your body, such as the health of your blood, organs, or your temperature. Asian Beauty ...

Emma Lu

Lip color and indicators of health.