
Your Brain Activity Depends on Who You’re Talking To

Your brain responds differently when talking to a person from a different socioeconomic group than during a conversation with someone of a similar background, a novel new imaging study shows. While neuroscientists have used brain imaging scans to track in great detail the neural responses of individuals to a host of factors such as stress, ...

Troy Oakes

A workplace meeting.

An Incredible Hair Loss Remedy That Anyone Can Try

Hair loss is distressing. After washing and combing your hair, it’s so upsetting to see a large amount of hair in the brush or shower tray. Wouldn’t it be great to have a hair loss remedy to try out for just these indications? Well, you may be in luck, because according to traditional Chinese medicine ...

Nspirement Staff

Hair brushes.

Remnants of Ancient Viruses Could Be Shaping Coronavirus Response

Why are some people more resilient to viruses like the CCP coronavirus than others? The answer has eluded scientists for centuries and, in the age of COVID-19, has come to represent one of the holy grails of biomedical research. Ed Chuong, an assistant professor of molecular, cellular, and developmental biology at CU Boulder, proposes an ...

Troy Oakes

A test tube with viruses.

A Return to the Wild for Better Immune Health

Revegetating green spaces within cities can improve soil quality and has been linked to better immune health in humans. To better understand the relationship between soil composition and different urban vegetation types — lawns, vacant lots, parklands, and woodland areas — our researchers sampled soil from the City of Playford council area in South Australia ...

Troy Oakes

A green space.

The Secret of Emperor Qianlong’s Longevity Was Swallowing Saliva

Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty lived to be 89 years of age. Historians have studied the life and habits of this health-conscious king and found that his long life might mainly lie on one simple act that he did daily — swallowing saliva. Here are some health benefits of swallowing saliva. Swallowing saliva helps ...

Emma Lu

The Qianlong Emperor.

A New Treatment Approach for Deadly Aneurysms

Aortic aneurysms are stealthy, often silent vascular abnormalities that can be deadly if left untreated. In most cases, people with this condition have no idea they have a balloon-like bulge in the wall of the aorta, the largest artery in the body, which carries blood from the heart down through the torso to the limbs ...

Troy Oakes

An operating theater.

Study Reveals Gut Health Benefits Begin in Utero

Gut health through the gut’s microbiome — a complex, dense mixture of bacteria, fungi, and other microbes — plays an integral role in human health. A new Yale study reveals just how early the microbiome is formed and begins delivering this benefit in utero. The gut microbiome begins to mature in utero For the first ...

Troy Oakes

A baby in the womb.

New Intermittent Fasting Study Finds Dieters Shed Muscle, Not Fat

Intermittent fasting, also known as time-restricted eating, is the “in” diet right now, but a new study revealed surprising results. Dieters achieved minimal results during a three-month period and lost an average of just 2 pounds, slightly more than those who did not follow the diet — and most of the weight shed was not ...

Troy Oakes

A tape measure on a scale.

4 Ancient Positions for Restorative Sleep

The ancients practiced Taoism and maintained their health during the day, while also paying attention to the quality of their sleep. In the early Song Dynasty, a well-known Taoist named Chen Bo advocated the importance of restorative sleep. As he often slept for a few days at a time, people called him the sleeping immortal, ...

Nspirement Staff

A cartoon graphic of a man sleeping on his side.

Here’s Why You Should Consider Eating Acorns

Acorns are nuts produced by oak trees and have served as a staple food for numerous societies in the past. Today, they have been replaced by staples like wheat, rice, barley, and so on. However, there is a good reason why you should consider making them a part of your meals — they provide excellent ...

Nspirement Staff

Two acorns with oak leaves in the background.