
Let a Dermatologist Show You How to Wash Your Face Properly

The world perceives you through your face. The more exuberant, lively, and energetic your it is, the more positively you are seen. In contrast, a dull, lifeless face tends to make people want to distance themselves from a person. Here is the perfect way to wash and take good care of it, as vetted by ...

Raven Montmorency

A woman with a smooth and radiant face.

Here’s Why You Should Quit Smoking and It’s Not Because of You

People will give you several reasons to quit smoking, which likely revolve around how the habit is bad for you, damaging your health, and racking up unnecessary medical costs. However, it is not just you who suffers due to your smoking habit. Other people around you and the environment also have to face the negative ...

Raven Montmorency

A baby sleeping.

5 Key Foods for Longevity

Birth and old age, sickness and death are the course of nature, but that does not stop us from hoping for a long life. As food is our first necessity, as well as providing energy and nutrients, it is also the main source that we use to promote longevity. 5 foods for longevity 1. Fresh ...

Helen London

A basket of fresh vegetables.

Nourish Your Lungs With These Foods

In the face of Wuhan pneumonia, it is essential for you to nourish your lungs. The following are eight types of nourishing food you can eat to help maintain healthy lungs. These foods can help nourish your lungs Pears Pears help nourish your lungs. They have a hydrating effect and are easy to digest. Pear ...

Michael Segarty

Two pears.

Flu Vs. the Wuhan Coronavirus: Know Your Illness

While China is suffering through a coronavirus outbreak, American citizens are braving both influenza and the Wuhan coronavirus. Even though some believe that both flu and coronavirus are similar, the fact is that there are big differences in the way they are transmitted, their mortality rates, preventive measures, and so on. Flu vs. the Wuhan ...

Armin Auctor

A man with the sniffles.

6 Tips to Boost Immunity

What is the best way to prevent the Wuhan coronavirus when medicine is not available? The answer is to have a strong immune system. 6 ways to boost your immunity without much cost or effort 1. Get enough sleep Diseases can result from a decline of immunity due to inadequate sleep or pressure from stress. ...

Audrey Wang

A girl running on the beach.

5 Common Sense Ways to Avoid Catching the Wuhan Coronavirus

With the increase in the number of people infected with the Wuhan coronavirus in many countries, everyone is paying more and more attention to avoiding catching this virus. No previous research can confirm how long the coronavirus can survive in the external environment, so the best protective measures are to wash your hands frequently and keep ...

Helen London

Washing hands with soap.

A Homemade Hand Sanitizer With Natural Ingredients

As the Wuhan coronavirus continues to spread, stores are being ransacked for hand sanitizers. Many shops have run out of stock and manufacturers are apparently finding it difficult to keep up with the demand. However, not all hand sanitizers are equal. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), only the ones ...

Raven Montmorency

A hand sanitizer.

Are Breastfed Babies Better Protected Against Coronavirus?

There have been fewer reported instances of children being infected with the Wuhan coronavirus. The infection rate is relatively low, with one study out of Hubei Province, China, showing that of the 44,000 Wuhan coronavirus cases, just 2.2 percent involved children younger than 19 years of age. A new study now shows that breastfed babies ...

Raven Montmorency

A mother breastfeeding her baby.

Biology: How the Body Fights Infection

Your body remains healthy most of the time despite the fact that microbes and germs infect it regularly. This is largely thanks to your immune system, which is automatically triggered every time it detects infection by bacteria, viruses, parasites, or other microbial organisms. Fighting infection There are three types of blood cells — red, white, ...

Armin Auctor

White blood cells fighting an infection.