Crab and Pork Dumplings (Story + Recipe)

Dumplings are an ancient food and many regions around the world have them in some form or another as part of their national cuisine. There are also numerous legends surrounding the origin of the delicious dough balls. The beauty Xishi According to a Chinese tale, eating dumplings started in remembrance of Fairy Jiao. In the ...

Emma Lu

A basket of dumplings.

Sriracha: An Immigrant Success Story

A Vietnamese immigrant landed on U.S. shores. Among all the difficulties he faced from leaving his familiar environment, people, and food, he could not come to terms with missing one thing — Sriracha hot sauce. He asked around but none could help him; all Vietnamese compatriots here, on this side of the world, we’re facing ...

Raven Montmorency

Containers of Sriracha hot sauce.

Famous Foods of the Ancient Chinese Capital Xi’an

One of the “Four Great Ancient Capitals of China,” Xi’an was the most important city during Tang, Sui, Qin, Western Zhou, and Western Han dynasties. Then called Chang’an, this is where the Silk Road started, and where you can find the Terracotta Army. With such a rich history, you can expect to see some of ...

Raven Montmorency

A bowl of mutton soup.

Winter Melon Is Good for Weight Loss and Is an Antioxidant

Despite its name, winter melon is tasty in the summer. There are some foods that it can pair up with. However, there are some contraindications to note when eating it which, if overlooked, can do more harm than good. Winter melon should not be eaten with the certain foods Ricebean Both winter melon and ricebean ...

Helen London

Winter melons growing on racks.

Bringing Wellness to the Body: Spring Hacks

Winter is over. Now is the season of spring — the season of rebirth and renewal. It is the perfect time to do some cleansing of the body, mind, and soul. And what better way to do it than to take inspiration from the 5,000-year-old traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)? Chinese medicine and philosophy state that ...

Raven Montmorency

Spring flowers blooming.

3 Tasty Pickles You Can Prepare at Home

Pickles are a great addition to any meal, giving that extra bit of spiciness and tanginess. Every civilization has its own twist on pickles, with Western countries relying more on vinegar while countries like India rely on spices. 3 tasty pickle recipes 1. Sweet and spicy pickled carrots For this recipe, you will need 1 ...

Raven Montmorency

A basket of carrots.

Garlic: A Natural Antibiotic

Garlic is a pungent and strong-tasting herb. It is rich in sulfur-containing compounds, especially allicin, which has extraordinary germicidal properties, making it a great choice as an antibiotic. As a food, it has a warming and soothing nature and strengthens the stomach. It not only detoxifies and repels insects, but also works to regulate blood ...

Michael Segarty

Cloves of garlic.

How to Prepare Chicken Bone Broth to Boost Your Immunity

In these times of panic where the CCP virus outbreak has everyone concerned about their health, eating nourishing food is essential. Chicken bone broth is the perfect dish in such circumstances since it is known to have immune-boosting capabilities thanks to the amino acids present in it. The recipe To prepare the broth, you will ...

Raven Montmorency

A bowl of chicken bone broth.

Beauty Standards in the Ancient World

Beauty standards are not permanent. What was considered beautiful thousands of years ago may not be viewed the same today. What is beautiful for one civilization may not be considered so in another. Understanding how diverse the idea of beauty is will help you in appreciating the fact that beauty truly is in the eyes of ...

Raven Montmorency

A Greek statue of a male figure.

The History of Spring Rolls (Plus Bonus Recipe)

Every country has its unique appetizer that the local population takes pride in. Mexicans have their Quezo Fundido, Malaysians have Chicken Satay, Swedes have their Gravlax, and Chinese have their spring rolls. Spring rolls are a seasonal dish that’s prepared during the spring festival. Like many dishes, this savory roll of delight has a long ...

Raven Montmorency

Spring rolls.