6 Ways Garlic Is Good for Your Health

Garlic is a commonly used herb in cuisines. Related to onions, chives, and leeks, it is believed to be native to Siberia, from where it spread to the rest of the world about 5,000 years ago. Since ancient times, it has been identified as having medicinal properties. 6 ways garlic can benefit your health 1. ...

Raven Montmorency

Cloves of garlic.

The Dragon Boat Festival: What You Need to Know

The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional holiday in China that dates back almost 2,000 years. Since 2008, the festival has been a public holiday. The festival was created to honor an ancient hero. But now, one of the most popular activities held during the festival, dragon boat racing, has become a popular international sport ...

Jessica Kneipp

A dragon boat.

How Did Confucius Deal With Yan Hui When He Stole the Rice?

Yan Hui, also known as Yan Yuan, was an ancient Chinese philosopher from the state of Lu (521-481 B.C.). He was the favorite disciple of Confucius and ranked number one among the 72 disciples of Confucius. Yan Hui was born into a poor family but was accepting of his situation. He was smart, diligent in ...

Helen London

A Chinese painting of mountains.

5 Experiments That Showcase the Power of Mind Over Matter

For a long time, science has advocated that matter is supreme and that the mind is only a product of matter. This is in complete contrast to ancient spiritual traditions that proposed the supremacy of mind over matter. In recent times, various experiments have been conducted to solve this dilemma and some of them indicate ...

Raven Montmorency

Water dripping into a still pool.

A Brief Analysis: Extreme Human Antiquity Vs. Darwinism

Modern dating techniques and the evolution theory of Darwinism lead to the conclusion that humans in the present form started originating around a few hundred thousand years ago. With all the recent discoveries, does this hypothesis still stand? Have we uncovered human evidence that outdates the scientific model put forward and strongly defended by our ...

Armin Auctor

A Neanderthal man.

The Meteoric Rise and Fall of Funan: Southeast Asia’s First Super Power Kingdom

The Funan Empire is often referred to as the first major Southeast Asian civilization. There is archaeological evidence to suggest that this civilization spread across Cambodia to Vietnam, all the way to Thailand, and probably Malaysia. FactsandDetails.com states: “Even the Chinese, who considered most everyone around them to be Barbarians, marveled over Funan’s treasures of gems and ...

Max Lu

Remains of the Funan empire.

Learning About Compassion and Charity From World Cultures

The development of a civilization can be ascertained by how well it treats its fellow beings. A dog-eat-dog world can make people hate and fear others. It is ideals like compassion and charity that teach us that taking care of the less fortunate is as important as focusing on one’s own survival and pleasure. The ...

Raven Montmorency

Greek Parthenon temple.

Who Can Avoid a Deadly Plague?

Ancient China was called the “Land of the Divine.” The Chinese had a saying: “There are deities a yard (three feet) above your head,” which meant there were many of them close to humans. Everything in this world is controlled and arranged by divine beings. In the face of the CCP virus, how is it ...

Helen London

A sign with the word 'Pandemic.'

A Different Perspective of the CCP Virus Outbreak

Though we might tend to think so, a global pandemic is not something we as a species have not encountered many times before. Throughout the course of history, the world has faced the wrath of highly infectious diseases and almost entire civilizations have been wiped out. The reason the current CCP virus situation seems to ...

Armin Auctor

A world map.