The Mystery of China’s Floating City

China has had many stories of “floating” cities witnessed by thousands of citizens in the respective areas in the past few years. These floating cities have also stirred a hot debate on the possibility of a parallel universe or government-produced holograms. Apart from imaginative speculations, some people are also suggesting that the images could be ...

Nspirement Staff

What’s the Significance of Ancient Stone Lions?

In ancient China, a pair of stone lions was placed on either side of the entrance to significant architecture, such as palaces, courts, mausoleums, temples, gardens, and bridges. A lion is considered a mighty animal; the male, with its long, impressive hair and powerful roar, has even been named the “King of Beasts.” But lions ...

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A gilded lion.

Move Over Prozac, Shen Yun’s in Town

Could Shen Yun Performing Arts be an antidote for depression? I had planned to go see Shen Yun Performing Arts for the first time and was excited about it, but when the day rolled around, I woke up depressed. I had been depressed on and off lately and didn’t know why. So I didn’t want ...

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Shen Yun dancers performing on stage.

Keepsakes in a Traditional Chinese Wedding

With a long history of 5,000 years, China’s rich cultural connotations and traditional cultural heritage are embodied in its architecture, literature, painting, calligraphy, arts, and customs. The traditional Chinese wedding also has significant meanings, often characterized by particular marriage keepsakes. Red double happiness The Chinese character “双 喜,”  known as double happiness (pronounced shuāng xǐ ...

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A Chinese bride and groom dressed in red.

Emperor Wu of Liang: China’s First Monk Emperor

Emperor Wu of Liang (464-549), also called Xiao Yan, was born at Nanlanling Zhoudouli during the Southern dynasties. Xiao Yan reigned for 48 years and died at the age of 86. He was one of the longest living emperors in Chinese history, second only to Qing Dynasty emperor Qianlong (1711-1799). According to the Comprehensive Mirror ...

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The Remarkable History of Ancient Chinese Astronomy

Ancient Chinese astronomy’s history spans several millennia. And just like how the ancient Indians, Persians, and the Greeks have been instrumental in the development of astronomy across the world, the Chinese have also made numerous significant contributions in the field. Early development of ancient Chinese astronomy The first proof of astronomy being practiced by the ...

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What You Need to Know About Ghosts in Chinese Culture

Every culture has its own unique take on ghosts and the supernatural, right from ancient to modern times. And in this regard, ghosts in Chinese culture are not any different. From ghosts that have smelly hair to ghosts who plan revenge on wrongdoers, the Chinese concept has numerous examples that will certainly interest those who ...

Armin Auctor

The Significance of Animal Statues in the Forbidden City

The animal statues inside the Forbidden City all have their place and purpose. They were arranged for peace and harmony. Each statue was set in a fixed position and meant to endure the centuries, appealing to the heavens for the preservation and long-lasting prosperity of the ruling dynasty. Animal statues in the Forbidden City Lion ...

Armin Auctor

The Forbidden City.

The Pipa: The Traditional Chinese Guitar

The pipa is often referred to as the Chinese lute, and may remind you a little bit of a Western guitar. The history of the instrument reaches back over 2,000 years. The pipa is a stringed instrument that gained great popularity in the Tang Dynasty (618-907). As an instrument for fairies and gentlewomen, the pipa ...

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A woman playing a pipa.